Version 1.1 Change Report

This 1.1 version of the JATS Authoring Tag Set includes the changes recommended by the NISO JATS Standing Committee in response to public comments concerning JATS Standing Committee Draft Versions 1.1d1, 1.1d2, and 1.1d3 received through the end of November 2015. The committee recommendations are documented in NISO JATS Standing Committee Recommended Changes Between NISO/JATS 1.0 and NISO/JATS 1.1 (in Response to Comments to on NISO Z39.96-2012 and JATS Standing Committee Drafts 1.1d1, 1.1d2, and 1.1d3 from September 2013 through November 2015), available from NISO.
Non-backward Compatible Change: The model for the Ruby element (<ruby>) has changed between versions 1.1d1 and 1.1. The intent of the JATS Standing Committee is to follow the lead of the W3C HTML5 specification in how to model Ruby. HTML5 changed between the two drafts of JATS, and the JATS Standing Committee chose to follow the new HTML5 model, even though it was not the same and not backward compatible with JATS Version 1.1d1. In the new model for <ruby>, only a single Ruby textual annotation (<rt>) is allowed on a given Ruby base (<rb>). The previous model allowed multiple annotations to cover a single Ruby base.
In this Tag Set, the use of ruby parenthesis (<rp>) to separate the Ruby base from the textual annotation is forbidden.