Heading or title for a structural element (for example, a <sec>, an <app>, or a <boxed-text>).
<!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA %struct-title-elements;)* >
(#PCDATA | email | ext-link | uri | inline-supplementary-material | related-article | related-object | hr | bold | fixed-case | italic | monospace | overline | overline-start | overline-end | roman | sans-serif | sc | strike | underline | underline-start | underline-end | ruby | alternatives | inline-graphic | private-char | chem-struct | inline-formula | tex-math | mml:math | abbrev | index-term | index-term-range-end | milestone-end | milestone-start | named-content | styled-content | fn | target | xref | sub | sup | x | break | citation-alternatives | element-citation | mixed-citation)*
Any combination of:
<abstract>, <ack>, <answer>, <app>, <app-group>, <author-comment>, <author-notes>, <back>, <bio>, <caption>, <def-list>, <disp-quote>, <fn-group>, <glossary>, <kwd-group>, <list>, <notes>, <question>, <ref-list>, <sec>, <statement>, <supplement>, <table-wrap-foot>, <title-group>, <toc-entry>, <trans-abstract>, <verse-group>
As part of a book part:
<book dtd-version="1.0">
<book-part id="bid.2" book-part-type="chapter">
<book-part-id book-part-id-type="doi">...</book-part-id>
<title>GenBank: The Nucleotide Sequence Database</title>
<contrib contrib-type="author">
<date date-type="created" iso-8601-date="2002-10-09">
<date date-type="updated" iso-8601-date="2004-07-27">
<sec id="bid.3">...</sec>
As part of appendices in the back of a book:
... <book-back> <app-group> <app id="bid.301"> <title>Appendix 1. TAXON nametypes.</title> <sec id="bid.302"> <title>Scientific Name</title> <p>Every node in the database is required to have ...</p> ... </sec> ... </app> <app id="bid.317"> <title>Appendix 2. Functional classes of TAXON scientific names.</title> ... </app> <app id="bid.331"> <title>Appendix 3. Other TAXON data types.</title> ... </app> </app-group> </book-back> ...
As part of an acknowledgments section:
<ack id="bid.394">
<p>We gratefully acknowledge the work of Vladimir Soussov,
as well as the entire NCBI Entrez team, especially Grisha
Starchenko, Vladimir Sirotinin, Alexey Iskhakov, Anton
Golikov, and Pramod Paranthaman. We thank Jim Ostell for
guidance, ...</p>
In the narrative text, section titles:
<book-part id="bid.4" book-part-type="chapter">
<sec id="bid.5" sec-type="intro">
<p>Geriatric day hospitals developed rapidly in the United Kingdom in the 1960s
as an important component of care provision. The model has since been widely
applied in several Western countries. Day hospitals provide multidisciplinary
assessment and rehabilitation in an outpatient setting and have a pivotal
position between hospital and home based services. ...</p>
Title of a figure, which is part of the <caption>:
<sec id="bid.36">
<title>Microbial Genomes</title>
<p>... A CON entry, containing instructions on how to put
the pieces back together, is also made. The CON entry
contains descriptor information, such as source organism
and references, as well as a join statement providing
explicit instructions on how to generate the complete
genome from the pieces. The Accession number assigned
to the CON record is also added as a secondary Accession
number on each of the pieces that make up the complete
genome (see <xref ref-type="fig" rid="bid.37">Figure 2</xref>).
<fig id="bid.37">
<title>A GenBank CON entry for a complete bacterial
<p>The information toward the <italic>bottom</italic> of the
record describes how to generate the complete genome
from the pieces.</p>
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xlink:href="ch1f2" mime-subtype="gif"/>