
Click on a letter to skip to its position in the index.

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z





abbreviated citationssee Abbreviated Citations

Abbreviated Journal Title

Abbreviated Journal Title Attributes parameter entitysee %abbrev-journal-title-atts;

Abbreviated Journal Title Elements parameter entitysee %abbrev-journal-title-elements;

Abbreviation (NISO JATS table model)

abbreviation, conference namesee <conf-acronym>

abbreviation, journal idsee <journal-id>

abbreviation, table cellsee @abbr

Abbreviation Attributes parameter entitysee %abbrev-atts;

Abbreviation Elements parameter entitysee %abbrev-elements;

Abbreviation or Acronym





<abstract> Abstract

Abstract Attributes parameter entitysee %abstract-atts;



Abstract Class Elements


Abstract Model parameter entitysee %abstract-model;

abstract styleuse @abstract-type


abstract typeuse @abstract-type

academic degreeuse <degrees>

academic titleuse <degrees>

accepted datesee @date-type



access dateuse <date-in-citation>

Access Date Attributes parameter entitysee %access-date-atts;



Access Date Elements parameter entitysee %access-date-elements;

Access Date for Cited Work

accessibilitysee <alt-text>see <alt-title>see <long-desc>see @summary

Accessibility Class Elements parameter entitysee %access.class;

accessibility onlyuse @specific-use

accession numbersee <article-id>




Acknowledgment Attributes parameter entitysee %ack-atts;

acknowledgmentsuse <ack>


Acknowledgments Attributes parameter entitysee %ack-atts;

Acknowledgments Model parameter entitysee %ack-model;

acronymuse <abbrev>see <conf-acronym>

Actuating the Link

added-after-electronic-publicationuse <notes>

added-in-proofuse <notes>

Added Latin 1 for MathML parameter entitysee %ISOlat1;

Added Latin 2 for MathML parameter entitysee %ISOlat2;

Added Math Symbols: Binary Operators for MathML parameter entitysee %ISOamsb;

added-post-printuse <notes>

addendumsee @related-article-type

additional articlessee <related-article>

additional materialsee <app>see <app-group>use <supplementary-material>

additional readinguse <ref-list>

addressuse <address>


address, organizationalsee <address>

Address/Contact Information

Address Attributes parameter entitysee %address-atts;



Address Class Elements parameter entitysee %address.class;

Address Line

Address Line Attributes parameter entitysee %addr-line-atts;


Address Line Class Elements parameter entitysee %address-line.class;

Address Line Elements parameter entitysee %addr-line-elements;


Address Link Class Elements parameter entitysee %address-link.class;


Address Model parameter entitysee %address-model;











affiliationsee <aff>see <author-notes>


affiliation, where to placesee Tagging Affiliations

Affiliation Alternatives

Affiliation Alternatives Attributes

Affiliation Alternatives Model

Affiliation Attributes parameter entitysee %aff-atts;

Affiliation Elements parameter entitysee %aff-elements;

Affiliations Alternatives Class

aggregatorsee @journal-id-type

agreementsee <license>


alignmentsee @alignsee @charoff

alpha order, listsee @list-type


Alternate Image (MathML Tag Set)

Alternate Text (MathML Tag Set)

Alternate Text Attributes parameter entitysee %alt-text-atts;

Alternate Text Name (for a figure, etc.)

Alternate Title

Alternate Title Attributes parameter entitysee %alt-title-atts;

Alternate Title Elements

Alternative Greek Symbols parameter entitysee %ISOgrk4;

alternative namessee Multiple Versions of a Name


Alternatives Attributes



Alternatives Display Class Elements parameter entitysee %alternatives-display.class;

Alternatives For Processing


Alternatives Model parameter entitysee %alternatives-model;

alternatives to a citationsee <citation-alternatives>

alternatives to a collaborationsee <collab-alternatives>

Alternative Text









anchorsee <target>

anchoring a figuresee @position

ancillary materialsee <app>see <app-group>use <supplementary-material>

animationsee <media>


Annotation Attributes parameter entitysee %annotation-atts;


Annotation in a Citation



announcersee <speaker>

<anonymous> Anonymous

Anonymous Attributes


Anonymous Content Model parameter entitysee %anonymous-model;


Anonymous Model parameter entitysee %anonymous-model;





Appearance Class Elements parameter entitysee %appearance.class;

Appearance of the Underline

appendicesuse <app-group>

appendixuse <app>


Appendix Attributes parameter entitysee %app-atts;

Appendix Group

Appendix Group Attributes parameter entitysee %app-group-atts;

Appendix Group Model parameter entitysee %app-group-model;

Appendix Model parameter entitysee %app-model;




appmuse <app-group>



Arrangement of Subscripts and Superscripts


Array (Simple Tabulation)

Array Attributes parameter entitysee %array-atts;


Array Content Model parameter entitysee %array-model;


Arrow Relations for MathML parameter entitysee %ISOamsa;

artsee <fig>see <graphic>see <media>

<article> Article

Article/Publication Identifier Types parameter entitysee %pub-id-types;

Article Attributes parameter entitysee %article-atts;



Article Categories Attributes



article classificationsee <article-categories>

article DOIuse <article-id>

article footnotessee <author-notes>see <fn>


Article Grouping Data

Article Grouping Data Model parameter entitysee %article-categories-model;

article headersee <article-meta>see <front>


article iduse <article-id>


Article Identifier

Article Identifier Attributes parameter entitysee %article-id-atts;

article informationsee <article-meta>

article ISBNsee <article-id>




article metadatasee <front>

Article Metadata

Article Metadata Attributes

Article Metadata Elements Module parameter entitysee %articlemeta.ent;

Article Metadata Model parameter entitysee %article-meta-model;



Article Model (Limited) parameter entitysee %article-short-model;

Article Model with Sub-article or Response parameter entitysee %article-full-model;

Article Model with Sub-Article or Response parameter entitysee %article-full-model;

article numbersee <article-id>see <object-id>

article sequence numbersee @seq


<article-title> Article Title

article titleuse <article-title>

Article Title Attributes parameter entitysee %article-title-atts;



Article Title Elements parameter entitysee %article-title-elements;


article typeuse @article-type

assistance, acknowledgment ofsee <ack>




attributionuse <attrib>


Attribution Attributes parameter entitysee %attrib-atts;

Attribution Elements parameter entitysee %attrib-elements;

audio objectsee <media>

audiovisualsee <supplementary-material>

authorsee <attrib>see <author-comment>see <contrib>see @contrib-type

Author, Corresponding Class Elements parameter entitysee %corresp.class;

author biographysee <bio>

<author-comment> Author Comment

Author Comment Attributes parameter entitysee %author-comment-atts;



Author Comment Model parameter entitysee %author-comment-model;

author-groupsee <contrib-group>

author identifiersee <contrib-id>see @contrib-id-type

authority, keywordsee @kwd-group-type

authority, publication idsee @pub-id-type

author noteuse <author-notes>

Author Note Group

Author Note parameter entitysee %author-notes-model;


Author Notes Attributes parameter entitysee %author-notes-atts;



Author Notes Model parameter entitysee %author-notes-model;

author of a cited worksee Multiple Versions of a Namesee Names and String Names in Citations

authorssee <person-group>

availabilitysee <permissions>

<award-group> Award Group

Award Group Attributes parameter entitysee %award-group-atts;



Award Group Model parameter entitysee %award-group-model;




Award-ID Elements parameter entitysee %award-id-elements;

Award Identifier

Award Identifier Attributes parameter entitysee %award-id-atts;

Award Identifier Elements parameter entitysee %award-id-elements;



Axis (NISO JATS table model)

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z


Back Attributes



background imageuse @position

back mattersee <back>

Back Matter

Back Matter, Display Element Class Elements parameter entitysee %display-back-matter.class;

Back Matter Class Elements parameter entityuse %back.class;

Back Matter Class parameter entityuse %back.class;

Back Matter Elements Module parameter entitysee %backmatter.ent;


Back Matter Model parameter entitysee %back-model;


baselinesee @baseline


Baseline (MathML Tag Set)

@baseline-shift Baseline Shift

baseline shiftsee @baseline-shift

beneathsee <underline>

best practice citation taggingsee The Critical Tags for Journals

bibliographic entry, reference tosee @ref-type

bibliographic itemuse <ref>

bibliographic listuse <ref-list>

bibliographyuse <ref-list>

Bibliography References (Citation) Elements Module parameter entitysee %references.ent;

Binary Operators for MathML parameter entitysee %ISOamsb;see %ISOamsb;



biographysee <bio>


Biography Attributes parameter entitysee %bio-atts;

Biography Model parameter entitysee %bio-model;see %contrib-id-model;



Block Display Class Elements parameter entitysee %block-display.class;


block formulasee <disp-formula>

Block-level Mathematical Expressions and Formulae Class Elements parameter entitysee %block-math.class;


block quoteuse <disp-quote>

block quote signaturesee <attrib>

blog entry, reference tosee @ref-type

blurbuse <abstract>


body, articleuse <body>

body, tablesee <tbody>

Body Attributes



Body Model parameter entitysee %body-model;

Body of the Document

<bold> Bold

Bold Attributes


book, cited examplesee Book Citations

book citationssee “Type” of Cited Work

book citations, discussionsee Cited Books

book reviewsee Tagging Book or Product Reviews

book title (in bibliographic entry)use <source>

book title in citationssee Titles in Citations


Border (Frame) around a Table (NISO JATS table model)

borders, tableuse @border

borders and framessee Table Formatting

Box and Line Drawing for MathML parameter entitysee %ISObox;

<boxed-text> Boxed Text

boxed text, reference tosee @ref-type

Boxed Text Attributes parameter entitysee %boxed-text-atts;



Boxed Text Model parameter entitysee %boxed-text-model;


Break Attributes



building numberuse <addr-line>

bulletsee @list-type

businesssee <aff>

bylinesee <attrib>see <contrib>

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

calendarsee @article-type

@calendar Calendar

calendar erasee <era>



Caption Attributes parameter entitysee %caption-atts;



Caption Body Parts parameter entitysee %caption-body-parts;


Caption Display Class Elements parameter entitysee %caption.class;


Caption Element Control For a Table parameter entitysee %caption.element;


Caption Model parameter entitysee %caption-model;

Caption of a Figure, Table, etc.


casesee @article-type

categoriessee <article-categories>

cautionuse <boxed-text>

cellsee <td>see <th>



Cell Padding (NISO JATS table model)

cell rulesee @rules


Cell Spacing (NISO JATS table model)


centeredsee @align

change historysee <history>


Chapter Title Attributes



Chapter Title Elements parameter entitysee %chapter-title-elements;

Chapter Title in a Citation


charactersee @char




chemical abstractuse <abstract>

chemical equationsee <chem-struct>

chemical expressionsee <chem-struct>

chemical reactionsee <chem-struct>

Chemical Structure (Display)

Chemical Structure Attributes parameter entitysee %chem-struct-atts;

Chemical Structure Elements parameter entitysee %chem-struct-elements;

Chemical Structure Model parameter entitysee %chem-struct-model;

Chemical Structure Wrapper

Chemical Structure Wrapper Attributes parameter entitysee %chem-struct-wrap-atts;

Chemical Structure Wrapper Class parameter entitysee %chem-struct-wrap.class;

Chemical Structure Wrapper Model parameter entitysee %chem-struct-wrap-model;









chem-struct-wrapper (renamed)use <chem-struct-wrap>

Chinese erasee <era>

citationsee <ref>

citation (removed)use <element-citation>use <mixed-citation>

citation, reference tosee <ref>


Citation Additions Class Elements parameter entitysee %citation-additions.class;

<citation-alternatives> Citation Alternatives

Citation Alternatives Attributes


Citation Alternatives Elements Model


Citation Attributes parameter entitysee %citation-atts;



Citation Class Elements parameter entitysee %citation.class;

citation commentaryuse <annotation>


Citation Elements parameter entitysee %citation-elements;

citation for a thesissee Thesis or Dissertation

citation for a websitesee Website

citation listuse <ref-list>


Citation Minus Alternatives Class Elements parameter entitysee %citation-minus-alt.class;

citation numbersee <label>

citation numbers/designatorssee Labels in Citations

citations, abbreviatedsee Abbreviated Citations

citations, booksee Cited Books

citations, incompletesee Abbreviated Citations

citations, journal articlessee The Critical Tags for Journals

citations, preserving the punctuationsee Mixed Style Citations

citations, removing all punctuationsee Element Style Citations

citations, taggingsee Tagging References

citations, tagging conferences insee Conferences in Citations

citations, tagging dates insee Dates in Citations

citations, tagging format or media in see Format or Media of Cited Work

citations, tagging labels insee Labels in Citations

citations, tagging length and size insee Length and Size

citations, tagging ordinals insee Tagging Ordinal Numbers

citations, tagging personal names insee Names and String Names in Citations

citations, tagging titles insee Titles in Citations

citations, what to tag for citation matcherssee The Critical Tags for Journals

citation to a booksee Book Citations

citation to a conference proceedingssee Conference Proceedings

citation to a databasesee Database Citations

citation to a forthcoming publicationsee Forthcoming Publication

citation to a government reportsee Government Report

citation to a internet journalsee Internet Journal

citation to a journal articlesee Journal Citations

citation to an unpublished conferencesee Conference (Unpublished)

citation to a patentsee Patent

citation typessee “Type” of Cited Work

citysee <addr-line>


Class (MathML Tag Set)

classification groupsee <subj-group>

classification valuesee <subject>

CMLsee <chem-struct>

<code> Code

Code Attributes


coded keywordssee Tagging Complex/Compound Keywords

%code-elements; Code Elements

Code Language

Code Language Version

codensee <article-id>

code to be runuse @executable


@code-version Code Version




col Element Name parameter entitysee %col.qname;




colgroup Element Name parameter entitysee %colgroup.qname;



collab-affiliationsee <aff>



Collab Alternatives Elements Model





collaborationuse <collab>

Collaboration Alternatives

Collaboration Alternatives Attributes

Collaboration Attributes parameter entitysee %collab-atts;

Collaboration Classsee %collab.class;

Collaborative (Group) Author

Collaborative (Group) Author Elements parameter entitysee %collab-elements;

collaborator roleuse @collab-type

collaborator typeuse @collab-type


collegesee <aff>see <institution>

college degreeuse <degrees>



columnuse <col>see @rulessee @span

Column Element Control For a Table parameter entitysee %col.element;

Column Group Element Control For a Table parameter entitysee %colgroup.element;

column spanuse @colspan

Column Span (NISO JATS table model)

column specificationsee <col>see <colgroup>

column widthsee @width

commentsee <author-comment>


commentarysee <annotation>see <article>see <response>see @article-type

Comment Attributes parameter entitysee %comment-atts;



Comment Elements parameter entitysee %comment-elements;

Comment in a Citation

Common (Shared) Element Declarations Module parameter entitysee %common.ent;


Common Attributes Shared by All Elements


Common Table Attributes (NISO JATS table model) parameter entitysee %Common.attrib;

companion articlesee <related-article>

companysee <institution>

compound-formulasee <chem-struct>

Compound Keyword

Compound Keyword Attributes parameter entitysee %compound-kwd-atts;

Compound Keyword Model parameter entitysee %compound-kwd-model;

Compound Keyword Part

Compound Keyword Part Attributes parameter entitysee %compound-kwd-part-atts;

Compound Keyword Part Elements parameter entitysee %compound-kwd-part-elements;

compound keywordssee Tagging Complex/Compound Keywords








Compound Subject Attributes


%compound-subject-model; Compound Subject Model

Compound Subject Name


Compound Subject Part Attributes


%compound-subject-part-elements; Compound Subject Part Elements

Compound Subject Part Name

computer codesee <monospace>see <preformat>

conclusionssee @sec-type

conditions for usesee <license>








conference (unpublished), cited examplesee Conference (Unpublished)

Conference Acronym

Conference Acronym Attributes parameter entitysee %conf-acronym-atts;

Conference Acronym Elements parameter entitysee %conf-acronym-elements;

Conference Attributes parameter entitysee %conference-atts;



Conference Class Elements parameter entitysee %conference.class;

Conference Class parameter entitysee %conference.class;

Conference Date

Conference Date Attributes parameter entitysee %conf-date-atts;

Conference Date Elements parameter entitysee %conf-date-elements;

Conference Information

conference locationuse <conf-loc>

Conference Location

Conference Location Attributes parameter entitysee %conf-loc-atts;

Conference Location Elements parameter entitysee %conf-loc-elements;


Conference Model parameter entitysee %conference-model;

conference nameuse <conf-name>

Conference Name

Conference Name Attributes parameter entitysee %conf-name-atts;

Conference Name Elements parameter entitysee %conf-name-elements;

conference numberuse <conf-num>

Conference Number

Conference Number Attributes parameter entitysee %conf-num-atts;

Conference Number Elements parameter entitysee %conf-num-elements;

conference proceedings, cited examplesee Conference Proceedings

conferences in citationssee Conferences in Citations

conference siteuse <conf-loc>

conference sponsoruse <conf-sponsor>

Conference Sponsor

Conference Sponsor Attributes parameter entitysee %conf-sponsor-atts;

Conference Sponsor Elements parameter entitysee %conf-sponsor-elements;

conference themeuse <conf-theme>

Conference Theme

Conference Theme Attributes parameter entitysee %conf-theme-atts;

Conference Theme Elements parameter entitysee %conf-theme-elements;

conflict-of-interestsee <author-notes>see <notes>
















consortiumsee <collab>see <contrib>

contactsee <corresp>

contact informationuse <corresp>see @corresp

contentsee <body>

Content Model for an Untitled Section parameter entitysee %sec-opt-title-model;

Content Model for a Structural Section parameter entitysee %sec-model;

Content Model for Section Metadata parameter entitysee %sec-meta-model;

Contents of a Table Cell parameter entitysee %Flow.mix;

Contents of a Table parameter entitysee %table.content;


@continued-from Continued From

contract informationsee <funding-group>

contractionsee <abbrev>

contract numberuse <award-id>

contract sponsoruse <funding-source>
















contributionsee <role>

contribution allocationsee @equal-contrib

contribution typesee @contrib-type

contributorsee <contrib>


contributor allocationsee @equal-contrib

Contributor Attributes parameter entitysee %contrib-atts;

contributor biographysee <bio>

Contributor Class Elements parameter entitysee %contrib.class;

Contributor Class parameter entitysee %contrib.class;

contributor groupsee <contrib-group>

Contributor Group

Contributor Group Attributes parameter entitysee %contrib-group-atts;

Contributor Group Class parameter entitysee %contrib-group.class;

Contributor Group Model parameter entitysee %contrib-group-model;

Contributor Identifier

Contributor Identifier Attributes parameter entitysee %contrib-id-atts;

Contributor Identifier Class parameter entitysee %contrib-id.class;

Contributor Identifier Type

Contributor Information Class Elements parameter entitysee %contrib-info.class;

Contributor Model parameter entitysee %contrib-model;

contributors and affiliationssee Tagging Affiliations

control numbersee <journal-id>

copyrightsee <copyright-statement>see <license>see <permissions>

copyright clearance centersee <license>

<copyright-holder> Copyright Holder

copyright holderuse <copyright-holder>

Copyright Holder Attributes parameter entitysee %copyright-holder-atts;



Copyright Holder Elements parameter entitysee %copyright-holder-elements;

copyright namesee <copyright-holder>

copyright noticeuse <copyright-statement>

copyright owneruse <copyright-holder>

<copyright-statement> Copyright Statement

copyright statementuse <copyright-statement>

Copyright Statement Attributes parameter entitysee %copyright-statement-atts;



Copyright Statement Elements parameter entitysee %copyright-statement-elements;

<copyright-year> Copyright Year

copyright yearuse <copyright-year>

Copyright Year Attributes parameter entitysee %copyright-year-atts;



corporate authorsee <collab>

corporationsee <aff>see <institution>

corrected datesee @date-type

correctionsee <related-article>






correspondenceuse <corresp>

correspondence addresssee <author-notes>see <corresp>

Correspondence Information

Correspondence Information Elements parameter entitysee %corresp-elements;

Corresponding Attributes parameter entitysee %corresp-atts;

corresponding authorsee <corresp>see @corresp

Corresponding Author

Corresponding Author Class Elements parameter entitysee %corresp.class;

corrigendasee <related-article>see @article-type

corrigendumsee <related-article>see @article-type

<count> Count

@count Count

count, equationsee <equation-count>

count, figuressee <fig-count>

count, pagessee <page-count>

count, referencesee <ref-count>

count, tablessee <table-count>

count, wordssee <word-count>


countrysee <country>


@country Country

country, funding sourcesee @country

Country: in an Address

Country Attributes parameter entitysee %country-atts;


country codesee @country


Country Elements parameter entitysee %country-elements;

<counts> Counts

Counts Attributes



Counts Model parameter entitysee %counts-model;

@count-type Count Type

countysee <addr-line>

couriersee <monospace>

cover datesee <pub-date>

credit linesee <attrib>see <contrib>

crossed offuse <strike>

cross-outsee <strike>

Cross-Reference (MathML Tag Set)

cross-references, internaluse <xref>

Cross-References Class

currencyuse @currency

@currency Currency

currency codeuse @currency

custom characteruse <private-char>



Custom Metadata

Custom Metadata Attributes parameter entitysee %custom-meta-atts;

Custom Metadata Group

Custom Metadata Group Attributes

Custom Metadata Group Model parameter entitysee %custom-meta-group-model;

Custom Metadata Model parameter entitysee %custom-meta-model;





custom-meta-wrap (renamed)use <custom-meta-group>

Custom Special Characters Declarations Module parameter entitysee %chars.ent;

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

dashedsee @underline-style

database, cited examplesee Database Citations

dataset, reference tosee <ext-link>see <inline-supplementary-material>see <supplementary-material>

Datatype parameter entitysee %MultiLength.datatype;

datesee <date>

<date> Date

Date (Historical) Attributes parameter entitysee %date-atts;

date, conferencesee <conf-date>

date, unstructuredsee <string-date>

Date as a String

Date Attributes parameter entitysee %date-atts;



Date Class Elements parameter entitysee %date.class;

Date Elements Model

Date Elements Model parameter entitysee %date-model;


Date in Citation Attributes parameter entitysee %date-in-citation-atts;



Date in Citation Elements parameter entitysee %date-in-citation-elements;

datelinesee <history>see <pub-date>



Date Parts Class Elements parameter entitysee %date-parts.class;

date purposesee @date-type

dates in citationssee Dates in Citations


date typeuse @date-type

Date within a Citation

<day> Day

Day Attributes parameter entitysee %day-atts;


day of monthuse <day>

deaduse @deceased

death-noticesee <author-notes>see <notes>

@deceased Deceased

dedication see <ack>see <notes>




Default Definition List Attributes parameter entitysee %def-list-atts;

Default Element Classes Module parameter entitysee %default-classes.ent;

Default Element Mixes Module parameter entitysee %default-mixes.ent;

Default List Class Attributes parameter entitysee %list-atts;


Default Type of Cross(x)-Reference parameter entitysee %ref-types;





defined objectuse <term>

definitionuse <def>see <def-item>

Definition Class Elements parameter entitysee %def.class;

definition headinguse <def-head>

definition itemuse <def-item>

Definition Item parameter entitysee %def-item-model;

definition listuse <def-list>

Definition List

Definition List: Definition

Definition List: Definition Attributes parameter entitysee %def-atts;

Definition List: Definition Head

Definition List: Definition Head Attributes

Definition List: Definition Head Elements

Definition List: Definition Item

Definition List: Definition Item Attributes parameter entitysee %def-item-atts;

Definition List: Definition Item Elements parameter entitysee %def-item-model;

Definition List: Definition Item Model parameter entitysee %def-item-model;

Definition List: Definition Model parameter entitysee %def-model;

Definition List: Term

Definition List: Term Attributes parameter entitysee %term-atts;

Definition List: Term Elements parameter entitysee %term-elements;

Definition List: Term Head

Definition List: Term Head Attributes

Definition List Class Element

Definition List Head Elements parameter entitysee %def-list-head-elements;

Definition List Item Class Element

Definition List Model parameter entitysee %def-list-model;

Definition List Term Head Elements





def-item model parameter entitysee %def-item-model;







degreeuse <degrees>



Degree Class Elements parameter entitysee %degree.class;see %degree.class;


Degrees Attributes parameter entitysee %degrees-atts;



Degrees Elements parameter entitysee %degrees-elements;

dekuse <abstract>

Delimiters for MathML parameter entitysee %ISOamsc;

departmentsee <aff>

described objectuse <term>

descriptionsee <caption>see <long-desc>see @descriptionsee @sec-type


Description of a Private Character


Designator of the Edition

Diacritical Marks for MathML parameter entitysee %ISOdia;

dialoguse <speech>

dimensionssee <size>

directoruse <role>

disciplinesee <article-categories>

discontinuous pagesuse <page-range>








displaysee @xlink:show


Display (Graphic) Elements Module parameter entitysee %display.ent;

Display (MathML Tag Set)

Display, Inline Class Elements parameter entitysee %inline-display.class;

Display Attributes Optional ID parameter entitysee %display-atts;



Display Class Elements, Block parameter entitysee %block-display.class;

Display Class Elements No Alternatives parameter entitysee %block-display-noalt.class;

Display Class Floating Elements parameter entityuse %floats-display.class;

displayed chemicalsee <chem-struct>

displayed formulause <disp-formula>

Display Element Back Matter Class Elements parameter entitysee %display-back-matter.class;


display formula, reference tosee @ref-type

Display Formula Attributes parameter entitysee %disp-formula-atts;

Display Formula Group Attributes parameter entitysee %disp-formula-group-atts;

display order, nameuse @name-style

display quotesee <attrib>use <disp-quote>

Display Quote Attributes parameter entitysee %disp-quote-atts;




divisionsee <institution>

division, documentsee <sec>

division, organizationalsee <aff>


documentsee <article>

Document Back Matter Elements parameter entitysee %doc-back-matter-mix;


Document Identifier

Document Identifier Type


Document Internal Identifier

Document Subtitle

@document-type Document Type

doiuse <article-id>

DOIsee @journal-id-type

do not change caseuse <fixed-case>

double underlinesee @underline-style



DTD versionuse @dtd-version

DTD Version parameter entitysee %dtd-version;

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

e-addresssee <email>

eastern name display sequenceuse @name-style

e-componentsee <media>


Edition Attributes parameter entitysee %edition-atts;



Edition Elements parameter entitysee %edition-elements;

edition numberuse <edition>see @designator

Edition Statement, Cited

editoruse <role>see @contrib-type

editor-groupsee <contrib-group>

editor-noteuse <notes>

electronic addresssee <email>

electronic componentsee <media>

Electronic Location Identifier

Electronic Location Identifier Attributes parameter entitysee %elocation-id-atts;

electronic mailuse <email>

electronic onlyuse @specific-use

<element-citation> Element Citation

Element Citation Attributes


element citations, discussionsee Element Style Citations

Elements Used in Titles parameter entitysee %title-elements;




Elocation Identifier

emailuse <email>


Email Address

Email Address Attributes parameter entitysee %email-atts;

Email Address Elements parameter entitysee %email-elements;



emphasissee <bold>see <italic>see <monospace>see <sc>see <underline>


Emphasis Mix Elements parameter entitysee %emphasized-text;

Emphasis Rendition Class Elements parameter entitysee %emphasis.class;


Enable MathML Prefix parameter entitysee %MATHML.prefixed;

endmattersee <back>

endnoteuse <fn>

end page numbersee <lpage>



entry, listsee <list-item>

entry, tablesee <td>see <th>

e-pathsee <uri>

epigraphsee <disp-quote>

e-published datesee @date-type


Equal Contribution

equationsee <disp-formula>see <inline-formula>

equation, chemistrysee <chem-struct>

<equation-count> Equation Count

Equation Count AttributesEquation Count Attributes


equation numbersee <label>


Era Attributes


Era of Time

<etal> Et Al.

et aluse <etal>

Et Al. Attributes


Et Al Content Model parameter entitysee %etal-model;


Et Al Elements parameter entitysee %etal-elements;


Et Al Model parameter entitysee %etal-model;

exchangesee <speech>

@executable Executable

executablesuse <code>

executive summarysee @abstract-type

expansion of acronymuse <abbrev>see <def>

expression, chemistrysee <chem-struct>

extended quotesee <disp-quote>

extentsee <page-count>

external filesee <graphic>see <media>see <supplementary-material>

external linkuse <ext-link>see <inline-supplementary-material>

External Link

External Link Attributes parameter entitysee %ext-link-atts;

External Link Elements parameter entitysee %ext-link-elements;

external link typeuse @ext-link-type

external referencesee <ext-link>

external unique identifiersee <article-id>see <ext-link>see <pub-id>





extractsee <attrib>see <disp-quote>

Extra Table Attributes (NISO JATS table model) parameter entitysee %Core.extra.attrib;

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z


Face Markup Elements

facsimileuse <fax>

family nameuse <surname>


Fax Attributes parameter entitysee %fax-atts;



fax numberuse <fax>

Fax Number: in an Address

Fax Number Elements parameter entitysee %fax-elements;











figureuse <fig>


figure, reference tosee @ref-type

Figure Attributes parameter entitysee %fig-atts;

Figure Count

Figure Count Attributes

Figure Display Class Elements parameter entitysee %fig-display.class;

Figure Display Elements parameter entitysee %fig-display.class;

Figure Group

Figure Group Attributes parameter entitysee %fig-group-atts;

Figure Group Model parameter entitysee %fig-group-model;

figure groups versus figuresee Tagging Figures, Graphics, and Multimedia

Figure-Like Content Model parameter entitysee %fig-model;

figure setsee <fig-group>

figure titlesee <caption>

filesee <ext-link>see <graphic>

final datesee @date-type

first letter of surnameuse @initials

first namesuse <given-names>

first pageuse <fpage>

First Page

First Page Attributes parameter entitysee %fpage-atts;

first published datesee @date-type


Fixed Case Attributes


fixed locationuse <target>

fixed positionuse @position

Floating Display Class Elements parameter entityuse %floats-display.class;

Floating Element Group

floating positionuse @position



Floats Group Attributes



Floats Group Model parameter entitysee %floats-group-model;

floats-wrap (renamed)use <floats-group>


flush rightsee @align











fontsee <italic>see <sans-serif>see <sc>

font (removed)see <styled-content>


Font Character Table Offset

@fontname Font Name

footersee <tfoot>

footnotesee <fn>


footnote, reference tosee @ref-type

Footnote Attributes parameter entitysee %fn-atts;

Footnote Group

Footnote Group Attributes parameter entitysee %fn-group-atts;

Footnote Group Class parameter entitysee %fn-group.class;

Footnote Group Model parameter entitysee %fn-group-model;

Footnote Links Class Elements parameter entitysee %fn-link.class;

Footnote Model parameter entitysee %fn-model;

footnote symbolsee @symbol

footnote typesee @fn-typeuse @fn-type

Footnote Types parameter entitysee %fn-types;

Forced Break Formatting Class Elements parameter entitysee %break.class;

foreignuse <named-content>

formal statement, mathematicaluse <statement>

formal thankssee <attrib>

formatsee @format

@format Format

format, filesee @mimetype

format, publication (cited)see @publication-format


format of a cited worksee Format or Media of Cited Work

Format of Publication

Formatting Element Classes Module parameter entitysee %format.ent;

formatting tablessee Table Formatting

format typeuse @fig-type

formulasee <disp-formula>see <inline-formula>

formula, displaysee <disp-formula>

Formula, Display

Formula, Display Elements parameter entitysee %disp-formula-elements;

Formula, Display Group

Formula, Display Group Model parameter entitysee %disp-formula-group-model;

Formula, Display Model parameter entitysee %disp-formula-model;

Formula, Inline

Formula, Inline Attributes parameter entitysee %inline-formula-atts;

Formula, Inline Elements parameter entitysee %inline-formula-elements;

Formula, Inline Model parameter entitysee %inline-formula-model;

formula, reference tosee @ref-type

forthcoming publication, cited examplesee Forthcoming Publication




Frame (NISO JATS table model)


free accesssee <license>

freeze caseuse <fixed-case>


Front and Back Class Elements parameter entitysee %front-back.class;

Front Attributes




front mattersee <front>

Front Matter

Front Matter Class Elements parameter entitysee %front.class;

Front Matter Class parameter entitysee %front.class;

Front Matter Model parameter entitysee %front-model;



Front Stub Attributes


front stub metadatasee Tagging Sub-articles


Front Stub Model parameter entitysee %front-stub-model;


Funding Class Elements parameter entitysee %funding.class;

Funding Elements Module parameter entitysee %funding.ent;


<funding-group> Funding Group

Funding Group Attributes



Funding Group Model parameter entitysee %funding-group-model;

<funding-source> Funding Source

Funding Source Attributes parameter entitysee %funding-source-atts;



<funding-statement> Funding Statement

Funding Statement Attributes parameter entitysee %funding-statement-atts;



Funding Statement Elements parameter entitysee %funding-statement-elements;

further readinguse <ref-list>

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

General Technical for MathML parameter entitysee %ISOtech;

Given (First) Names

Given (First) Names Elements parameter entitysee %given-names-elements;

given nameuse <given-names>


Given Names Attributes parameter entitysee %given-names-atts;



given names initialsuse @initials

glossarysee <back>see <glossary>


Glossary Attributes parameter entitysee %glossary-atts;


glossary definitionsee <def>

Glossary Elements List

glossary-group (renamed)use <glossary>

glossary headingsee <def-list>see <glossary>see <term>


Glossary Model parameter entitysee %glossary-model;

glyphuse <glyph-data>see @formatsee @glyph-data



Glyph Data Attributes


Glyph Data Character Being Referenced

Glyph Data for a Private Character



Glyph Reference Attributes

Glyph Reference for a Private Character




Government Attributes parameter entitysee %gov-atts;

government publicationuse <gov>

government reportuse <gov>

Government Report, Cited

government report, cited examplesee Government Report

Government Report Attributes parameter entitysee %gov-atts;

Government Report Elements parameter entitysee %gov-elements;

grant informationsee <funding-group>

grant numberuse <award-id>

grant sponsoruse <funding-source>

graphicsee <graphic>see <inline-graphic>see @mimetype

<graphic> Graphic

Graphic, Inline

graphic, multiple forms ofsee Tagging Multiple Versions

graphical abstractuse <abstract>

Graphic Attributes parameter entitysee %graphic-atts;


graphic contentsee <body>see <fig>

graphic formulasee <disp-formula>

graphic in the backgrounduse @position

graphic in the marginsuse @position


Graphic Model parameter entitysee %graphic-model;

graphic positionuse @baseline-shift

graphic versus figuresee Tagging Figures, Graphics, and Multimedia

Greek letters parameter entitysee %ISOgrk1;

Greek Letters parameter entitysee %ISOgrk1;

Greek Symbols for MathML parameter entitysee %ISOgrk3;

groupsee <collab>

group authorsee <collab>

groupingsee <article-categories>

group of peoplesee @person-group-type

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

headersee <thead>see @headers

header cellsee <th>

header informationsee <article-meta>


Headers (NISO JATS table model)

headingsee <term-head>see <title>

headingssee <article-categories>

heads, articlesee <front>


Height (MathML Tag Set)

hierarchical keywordsee <nested-kwd>

highlightsee <bold>see <italic>see <monospace>see <sc>see <underline>

Historical Date Attributes parameter entitysee %date-atts;

historysee <history>


History: Document History

History Attributes



History Model parameter entitysee %history-model;

honorificuse <prefix>

horizontal alignmentsee @alignsee @char

Horizontal Alignment (NISO JATS table model)

Horizontal Alignment Attributes For Cell Contents parameter entitysee %CellHAlign.attrib;

horizontal offsetuse @charoff

horizontal ruleuse <hr>

Horizontal Rule

Horizontal Rule Attributes

horizontal spanninguse @colspan

how to tag citationssee Tagging References



Href (Linking Mechanism)

human-readablesee @description

hypothesis, mathematicaluse <statement>

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

ibidsee Abbreviated Citations

iconsee <inline-graphic>

idsee Abbreviated Citations



identifiersee <article-id>see <object-id>see <pub-id>see <volume-id>see @journal-idsee @object-idsee @ridsee @source-idsee @xlink:href

Identifier Class Elements parameter entitysee %id.class;

identifier for internal cross referencingsee @id

identifier typesee @journal-id-typesee @pub-id-type

IETF RFC 5646 language codesuse @xml:lang

illustrationsee <fig>

illustration, reference tosee @ref-type

imagesee @format

image, inlinesee <inline-graphic>

imprintuse <edition>

incomplete citationssee Abbreviated Citations

indexsee @journal-id-type

index termsee <kwd>

inferioruse <sub>see <sub>

information classsee @subj-group-type

information requestuse <corresp>

initialssee @initialsuse @initials


Initials for Personal Names

inlinesee <inline-formula>see <inline-graphic>see <inline-supplementary-material>


Inline Display Class Elements parameter entitysee %inline-display-noalt.class;see %inline-display.class;


Inline Elements parameter entitysee %Inline.mix;

inline equationsee <inline-formula>






Inline Graphic Attributes parameter entitysee %inline-graphic-atts;



Inline Graphic Model parameter entitysee %inline-graphic-model;


Inline Mathematical Expressions Class Elements parameter entitysee %inline-math.class;


<inline-supplementary-material> Inline Supplementary Material

Inline Supplementary Material Attributes parameter entitysee %inline-supplementary-material-atts;



Inline Supplementary Material Elements parameter entitysee %inline-supplementary-material-elements;

in-line tablesee <array>

inside articleuse <sub-article>

Inside a Table Paragraph Class Elements parameter entitysee %intable-para.class;


Inside Chemical Structure Elements parameter entitysee %inside-chem-struct-wrap.class;


Inside Table Cell Elements parameter entitysee %inside-cell;


Inside Table Wrapper Elements parameter entitysee %inside-table-wrap;

institutionsee <aff>see <institution>


institutional authorsee <collab>

institutional author namesee <collab>

Institution Attributes parameter entitysee %institution-atts;



Institution Class Elements




Institution Identifier

Institution Identifier Attributes

Institution Identifier Model



Institution Name: in an Address

Institution Name Elements parameter entitysee %institution-elements;




Institution Wrap Class Elements


Institution Wrapper

Institution Wrapper Attributes

Institution Wrapper Model


internal cross referenceuse <xref>

internal referenceuse <xref>

International Standard Book Numberuse <isbn>

International Standard Linking Serial Numberuse <issn-l>

International Standard Serial Numberuse <issn>

internet journal, cited examplesee Internet Journal

intra-document identifiersee @id

introductionsee @sec-type


Investigator Names Class parameter entitysee %investigator-name.class;

<isbn> ISBN

ISBNuse <isbn>

ISBN Attribute List parameter entitysee %isbn-atts;

ISBN Attributes parameter entitysee %isbn-atts;



ISBN Elements parameter entitysee %isbn-elements;

islenskuse @name-style


ISO-8601 Formatted Date























issnsee <issn-l>see <issn>see @journal-id-type

<issn> ISSN

ISSN Attributes parameter entitysee %issn-atts;



ISSN Elements parameter entitysee %issn-elements;


ISSN-L (Linking ISSN)



ISSN Linking Attributes parameter entitysee %issn-l-atts;

ISSN Linking Elements parameter entitysee %issn-l-elements;

issuesee @issue



Issue Attributes parameter entitysee %issue-atts;





issue identifieruse <issue-id>

Issue Identifier

Issue Identifier Attributes parameter entitysee %issue-id-atts;

issue metadatause <article-meta>

issue numberuse <issue>

Issue Number

Issue Number of a Related Article

<issue-part> Issue Part

Issue Part Attributes



Issue Part Elements parameter entitysee %issue-part-elements;

<issue-sponsor> Issue Sponsor

Issue Sponsor Attributes parameter entitysee %issue-sponsor-atts;



Issue Sponsor Elements parameter entitysee %issue-sponsor-elements;

<issue-title> Issue Title

issue titleuse <issue-title>

Issue Title Attributes parameter entitysee %issue-title-atts;



Issue Title Elements parameter entitysee %issue-elements;see %issue-title-elements;

italicuse <italic>

<italic> Italic

Italic Attributes


itemsee <def-item>

item, listsee <list-item>

item contentsee <list-item>

item numbersee <label>

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Japanese erasee <era>

jargon namesee <conf-acronym>

JATS Base Attributes


JATS Common Attributes

JATS Common Attributes (id required)





journal abbreviationsee <journal-id>

journal article, cited examplesee Journal Citations

journal article citations, discussionsee The Critical Tags for Journals

Journal Article Link Class Elements parameter entitysee %article-link.class;

journal article model parameter entityuse %article-full-model;

journal citationssee “Type” of Cited Work

journal componentsee <article-title>

journal headersee <front>





Journal Identifier

Journal Identifier Attributes parameter entitysee %journal-id-atts;

Journal Identifier Class Elements parameter entitysee %journal-id.class;

Journal Identifier of a Related Article




journal metadatasee <journal-meta>

Journal Metadata

Journal Metadata Attributes

Journal Metadata Elements Module parameter entitysee %journalmeta.ent;

Journal Metadata Elements parameter entitysee %journalmeta.ent;

Journal Metadata Model parameter entitysee %journal-meta-model;



journal numbersee <volume>






Journal Subtitle (Full)

Journal Subtitle Attributes parameter entitysee %journal-subtitle-atts;


%journal-subtitle-elements; Journal Subtitle Elements

journal titlesee <article-title>


Journal Title (Full)

journal title (in bibliographic entry)use <source>

journal title abbreviationuse <abbrev-journal-title>

Journal Title Attributes parameter entitysee %journal-title-atts;



Journal Title Elements parameter entitysee %journal-title-elements;

<journal-title-group> Journal Title Group

Journal Title Group Attributes parameter entitysee %journal-title-group-atts;



Journal Title Group Model parameter entitysee %journal-title-group-model;

journal title in citationssee Titles in Citations

Jrsee <suffix>

JST identifiersee <contrib-id>see @contrib-id-type

Just Appendix Class Elements parameter entitysee %app.class;



justified alignmentsee @align


Just Paragraph Class Elements parameter entitysee %just-para.class;

Just paragraphssee %nothing-but-para.class;

Just Reference Class

Just Reference List Class Elements parameter entitysee %ref-list.class;


Just Rendition parameter entitysee %just-rendition;

Just Signature Class Elements parameter entitysee %sig.class;


Just Table Class Elements parameter entitysee %just-table.class;

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

key phrasesee <article-meta>see <kwd>

keywordsee <article-meta>see <kwd>


Keyword Attributes parameter entitysee %kwd-atts;

keyword authoritysee @kwd-group-type

Keyword Authority

Keyword Class Elements parameter entitysee %kwd.class;

Keyword Content Elements parameter entitysee %kwd-elements;

Keyword Group

Keyword Group Attributes parameter entitysee %kwd-group-atts;

Keyword Group Class Elements

Keyword Group Model parameter entitysee %kwd-group-model;

keywords, taggingsee Tagging Keywords

Korean erasee <era>










A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

labelsee <label>


Label (of an Equation, Figure, Reference, etc.)

Label Attributes



Label Class Elements parameter entitysee %label.class;

Label Class parameter entitysee %label.class;


Label Elements parameter entitysee %label-elements;

labels in citationssee Labels in Citations




last nameuse <surname>

last pageuse <lpage>

Last Page

Last Page Attributes parameter entitysee %lpage-atts;

last viewedsee <date-in-citation>

last viewed citationsee <date-in-citation>

LaTeXsee @notationsee @version

LaTeX mathsee <tex-math>

lecturersee <speaker>

left headsee <alt-title>

legendsee <caption>

lemma, mathematicaluse <statement>

lengthsee @unitssee @units


Length Datatype parameter entitysee %Length.datatype;

length in citationssee Length and Size

lettersee <sub-article>see @article-type

lexiconsee <glossary>

licensesee <permissions>see @license-type


License Attributes parameter entitysee %license-atts;


License Information


License Model parameter entitysee %license-model;


License Paragraph

License Paragraph Attributes

License Paragraph Class Elements parameter entitysee %license-p.class;

License Paragraph Elements parameter entitysee %license-p-elements;





linesee <hr>see <underline>see <verse-line>

line breakuse <break>

Line Break

Line of a Verse

linksee <ext-link>see <uri>see <xref>


link behaviorsee @xlink:actuate

link displaysee @xlink:show


Link Elements Module parameter entitysee %link.ent;

Link Elements parameter entitysee %link-elements;


linkingsee @xlink:actuatesee @xlink:href

linking ISSNuse <issn-l>

Linking ISSN Attributes parameter entitysee %issn-l-atts;

Linking ISSN Elements parameter entitysee %issn-l-elements;

link rolesee @xlink:role

linkssee @link-typesee @rid

link titlesee @xlink:title


link typesee @xlink:type

listsee <def-list>

<list> List



List Class Elements parameter entitysee %list.class;

@list-content List Content

List Elements Module parameter entitysee %list.ent;


<list-item> List Item

list itemsee @prefix-word

List Item Attributes parameter entitysee %list-item-atts;



List Item Class Element


List Item Model parameter entitysee %list-item-model;


List Model parameter entitysee %list-model;

list typesee @list-contentsee @list-type


literal textsee <preformat>

locationsee <conf-loc>see <publisher-loc>

location (of a figure or graphic)see @position




Long Description

Long Description Attributes parameter entitysee %long-desc-atts;

Long Description Elements parameter entitysee %long-desc-elements;

lower-case language codessee @xml:langsee @xml:lang


lpage Attributes parameter entitysee %lpage-atts;


A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z


Macros (MathML Tag Set)

maiden nameuse <given-names>

mailstopuse <addr-line>

major topic areasee <conf-theme>

MAJOUR Header issue metadatause <article-meta>

Make Prefix Equal mml parameter entitysee %MATHML.prefix;

Make Prefix Equal “xsi”

manuscript numbersee <article-id>

marginaliause <boxed-text>see @position

materialssee @sec-type

mathsee <disp-formula>see <inline-formula>see <mml:math>

Math (MathML Tag Set)

Math Alphabets: Fraktur for MathML parameter entitysee %ISOmfrk;

Math Alphabets: Open Face for MathML parameter entitysee %ISOmopf;

Math Alphabets: Script for MathML parameter entitysee %ISOmscr;


Math Elements Module parameter entitysee %math.ent;

mathematical expressionsee <disp-formula>see <inline-formula>

Mathematical Expressions and Formulae Class Block-level Elements parameter entitysee %block-math.class;

Mathematical Expressions Class Elements parameter entitysee %math.class;


math fontuse <inline-formula>

math imagesee @altimg

MathMLsee <mml:math>

MathML 2.0 Qualified Names Module parameter entitysee %mathml2-qname.mod;

MathML 2.0 Setup Module parameter entitysee %mathmlsetup.ent;

MathML 2.0 Tag Set Module parameter entitysee %mathml2.dtd;



MathML 3.0 Qualified Names Module parameter entitysee %mathml3-qname.mod;

MathML 3.0 Tag Set Module parameter entitysee %mathml3.dtd;




MathML Aliases Module parameter entitysee %ent-mmlalias;

MathML Annotation Model parameter entitysee %Annotation-xml.content;

MathML Character Entities parameter entitysee %mathml-charent.module;


MathML Extra Entities Module parameter entitysee %ent-mmlextra;

MathML Namespace Declaration

MathML Namespace Declaration parameter entitysee %MATHML.xmlns.attrib;






math modeuse <inline-formula>



Media Attributes parameter entitysee %media-atts;


%media-model; Media Model

media objectuse <media>

Media Object

media of a cited worksee Format or Media of Cited Work

media typesee @mimetype

medical doctoruse <degrees>

memorialsee @article-type

metadatasee <author-comment>see <custom-meta>see <equation-count>see <front-stub>see <journal-meta>see <meta-name>see <meta-value>see <sec-meta>

metadata, specific to the article and issueuse <article-meta>

Metadata Data Name Elements parameter entitysee %meta-name-elements;

Metadata Data Name for Custom Metadata

Metadata Data Value Elements parameter entitysee %meta-value-elements;

Metadata Data Value for Custom Metadata

metadata for sub-articlessee Tagging Sub-articles

Metadata Name (Custom) Attributes

Metadata Value (Custom) Attributes







methodssee @sec-type

middle nameuse <given-names>


milestonesee <milestone-end>see <milestone-start>use @rationale

Milestone Attributes parameter entitysee %milestone-atts;


<milestone-end> Milestone End

Milestone End Attributes


%milestone-end-model; Milestone End Model


Milestone Model parameter entitysee %milestone-model;

<milestone-start> Milestone Start

Milestone Start Attributes


%milestone-start-model; Milestone Start Model

mimesee @mimetype

@mime-subtype Mime Subtype

@mimetype Mime Type

<mixed-citation> Mixed Citation

Mixed Citation Attributes


mixed citations, discussionsee Mixed Style Citations



Mode (MathML Tag Set)


Module to Name Tag-Set-specific Modules parameter entitysee %journalpubcustom-modules.ent;

Module to Name the Modules parameter entitysee %modules.ent;

moneysee @currency

monikeruse <prefix>

monofontsee <preformat>


Monospace Attributes


Monospace Text (Typewriter Text)

Monotoniko Greek parameter entitysee %ISOgrk2;

<month> Month

Month Attributes parameter entitysee %month-atts;


more rowssee @rowspan

Most Basic Display Class Elements parameter entitysee %just-base-display.class;

Most Basic Display Elements parameter entitysee %just-base-display-noalt.class;see %just-base-display.class;

movieuse <media>

multi-language citationsuse <citation-alternatives>

multi-language collaborationsuse <collab-alternatives>


MultiLength Datatype parameter entitysee %MultiLength.datatype;

multimediasee <media>

multimedia groupsee <fig-group>

multimedia objectsee @mimetype

multipart keywordssee Tagging Complex/Compound Keywords

multiple formssee <self-uri>

multiple forms of a graphicsee Tagging Multiple Versions

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z


@name Name

name, publishersee <publisher-name>

name, unstructuredsee <string-name>

<name-alternatives> Name Alternatives

Name Alternatives Attributes



%name-alternatives-model; Name Alternatives Model

Name Attributes parameter entitysee %name-atts;



name componentssee <name>


Named Content Attributes parameter entitysee %named-content-atts;


%named-content-elements; Named Content Elements

Named Special (Subject) Content

name formatuse @name-style

name initialssee @initials

name of a shipsee <named-content>

Name of Person

Name of Person (Unstructured)

Name of the Conference Elements parameter entitysee %conf-name-elements;

Name of the MathML Top-level Element

name particle (“van” in “Ludwig van Beethoven”)see <surname>

Names Alternatives Class

Names Class Elements parameter entitysee %name.class;

names in citationssee Names and String Names in Citations

namespace, xlinksee @xmlns:xlink

namespace, xsi (MathML)see @xmlns:xsi

@name-style Name Style

narrative tableuse <array>

Negated Relations for MathML parameter entitysee %ISOamsn;

nested index termsee <nested-kwd>

nested keywordsee <nested-kwd>

Nested Keyword

Nested Keyword Attributes parameter entitysee %nested-kwd-atts;see %nested-kwd.class;

Nested Keyword Model parameter entitysee %nested-kwd-model;





Nested tablessee Nested Tables

new lineuse <break>

NII identifiersee <contrib-id>see @contrib-id-type

NISO JATS Table Setup Module parameter entitysee %XHTMLtablesetup.ent;

NISO JATS XHTML-based table model parameter entitysee %xhtml-table-1.mod;

<nlm-citation> NLM Citation

NLM Citationsee <nlm-citation>

NLM Citation Attributes



NLM Citation Module parameter entitysee %nlmcitation.ent;see %nlmcitation.ent;

No Alternatives Display Class Elements parameter entitysee %block-display-noalt.class;

nomen, name prefixsee <prefix>

nomenclaturesee <named-content>

non-article contentsee <article>

non-bibliographic informationsee <note>

non-bibliographic information in citationsee <annotation>

non-hierarchicalsee <milestone-end>see <milestone-start>

non-integral materialuse <supplementary-material>

non-proportional fontuse <monospace>

Non-Russian Cyrillic for MathML parameter entitysee %ISOcyr2;

non-Unicode characteruse <glyph-data>


@notation Notation

Notation Declarations Module parameter entitysee %notat.ent;


note, reference tosee @ref-type

Note Attributes parameter entitysee %note-atts;


note boxsee <boxed-text>


Note Class Elements parameter entitysee %note.class;

Note in a Reference List

Note in a Reference List Attributes parameter entitysee %note-atts;

Note in a Reference List Model parameter entitysee %note-model;

note-in-proofuse <notes>


noterefsee @ref-type

notessee @notes-type

<notes> Notes

Notes Attributes parameter entitysee %notes-atts;



Notes Model parameter entitysee %notes-model;



nounsee <term>

no upper caseuse <fixed-case>

numbersee <label>see <volume>see @count


Number Datatype parameter entitysee %Number.datatype;

number of columnssee <col>see <colgroup>

Numeric and Special Graphic for MathML parameter entitysee %ISOnum;

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z



OASIS XML Exchange (CALS) Table Model Module parameter entitysee %oasis-exchange.ent;

OASIS XML Exchange (CALS) Table Model Namespace Setup Module parameter entitysee %JATS-oasis-namespace.ent;

OASIS XML Exchange (CALS) Table Model Setup Module parameter entitysee %oasis-tablesetup.ent;

objectsee @object-type




Object Identifier

Object Identifier

Object Identifier Attributes parameter entitysee %object-id-atts;

Object Identifier Type


object typesee @object-id-type

@object-type Object Type

<on-behalf-of> On Behalf of

On Behalf of Attributes


On Behalf of Content Elements parameter entitysee %on-behalf-of-elements;


onlinesee <elocation-id>

online datesee @date-type

online versionsee <self-uri>

ontologysee @kwd-group-type

op citsee Abbreviated Citations

<open-access> Open Access

Open Access Attributes



Open Access Model parameter entitysee %open-access-model;

ORCIDsee <contrib-id>see @contrib-id-type

ordersee <named-content>

orderedsee @list-type

ordered listsee <list>

ordinals in citationssee Tagging Ordinal Numbers

Ordinary Symbols for MathML parameter entitysee %ISOamso;

organizationsee <aff>see <institution>

organizational authorsee <collab>

organization namesee <collab>see <institution>

@orientation Orientation

originsee <attrib>

originationsee <source>


Other (MathML Tag Set)

other informationsee <author-comment>


outlinesee <abstract>

outside flowsee <boxed-text>


Overflow (MathML Tag Set)

overlinesee <overline>

<overline> Overline


Overline Start Attributes

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z


paddingsee @cellpadding


<page-count> Page Count

page countuse <page-count>

Page Count Attributes


page count in citationssee Length and Size

page identifiersee <elocation-id>

Page of Related Article


page rangeuse <page-range>see @page

Page Range Attributes parameter entitysee %page-range-atts;


Page Ranges

pagessee <elocation-id>


paragraphuse <p>


Paragraph Attributes parameter entitysee %p-atts;

Paragraph Elements parameter entitysee %p-elements;

Paragraph-Level Elements Module parameter entitysee %para.ent;

Paragraph-Level Elements parameter entitysee %para-level;


parameter entity for, Funding Source Elementssee %funding-source-elements;


Part Title Attributes



Part Title Elements parameter entitysee %part-title-elements;

Part Title in a Citation

patentuse <patent>


patent, cited examplesee Patent

Patent Attributes parameter entitysee %patent-atts;



patent nameuse <patent>

patent numberuse <patent>

Patent Number, Cited

Patent Number Elements parameter entitysee %patent-elements;

patronymicsee <surname>


pedigree, namesee <suffix>


<permissions> Permissions

Permissions Attributes



Permissions Model parameter entitysee %permissions-model;

personal namessee Multiple Versions of a Name

Personal Names Class Elements parameter entitysee %person-name.class;

personal names in citationssee Names and String Names in Citations


Person Group Attributes parameter entitysee %person-group-atts;



Person Group Elements parameter entitysee %person-group-elements;

Person Group for a Cited Publication


Person Group Information for References parameter entitysee %person-group-info.class;


Person Group Model parameter entitysee %person-group-model;




Phone Attributes parameter entitysee %phone-atts;



phone numberuse <phone>

Phone Number: in an Address

Phone Number Elements parameter entitysee %phone-elements;


Phrase Class Elements parameter entitysee %phrase.class;


Phrase Content Class Elements parameter entitysee %phrase-content.class;


Phrase-Level Content Elements Module parameter entitysee %phrase.ent;

physical locationsee <conf-loc>

picturesee <inline-graphic>


Pixels Datatype parameter entitysee %Pixels.datatype;

place of publicationuse <publisher-loc>

plain listsee @list-type

plate sectionsee <fig-group>

@platforms Platforms

poemuse <verse-group>

poem linesee <verse-line>

poetrysee <attrib>

@position Position

postal addressuse <address>

postal boxuse <addr-line>

postboxsee <addr-line>

postcodesee <addr-line>

post nomsee <degrees>see <suffix>

post-publication-noteuse <notes>

postulate, mathematicaluse <statement>

precissee <abstract>

prefixsee <label>see @prefix-word

<prefix> Prefix

Prefix Attributes


prefix charactersee @list-type


Prefix Elements parameter entitysee %prefix-elements;


Prefix Word (For a List Item)





Preformat Model parameter entitysee %preformat-model;

Preformatted Text

Preformatted Text Attributes parameter entitysee %preformat-atts;

Preformatted Text Elements parameter entitysee %preformat-elements;


preprint datesee @date-type

preserve whitespacesee @xml:space

<price> Price

Price Attributes parameter entitysee %price-atts;



Price Class Elements parameter entitysee %price.class;


Price Elements parameter entitysee %price-elements;

<principal-award-recipient> Principal Award Recipient

Principal Award Recipient Attributes



Principal Award Recipient Elements parameter entitysee %principal-award-recipient-elements;

<principal-investigator> Principal Investigator

Principal Investigator Attributes



Principal Investigator Elements parameter entitysee %principal-investigator-elements;

printingsee <edition>

print onlyuse @specific-use


Private Character (Custom or Unicode)

Private Character Model



Private Use Area and Custom Characters Attributes

private-use characteruse <glyph-data>see <private-char>see @descriptionsee @name

proceedings citationssee Conferences in Citations

processing alternativessee Tagging Multiple Versions

processing historyuse <history>

produceruse <role>


Product Attributes parameter entitysee %product-atts;




Product Elements parameter entitysee %product-elements;see %product.class;

Product Information

product reviewsee Tagging Book or Product Reviews


professional certificationuse <degrees>

professoruse <degrees>

programsee <aff>

programming codeuse <code>

Programming Languagesee @language

proof, mathematicaluse <statement>

proposition, mathematicaluse <statement>

pseudo-codesee <code>




pubfrontsee <article-meta>





publicationsee <journal-title>

publication datesee @date-typesee @pub-type

Publication Date

Publication Date Attributes parameter entitysee %pub-date-atts;

Publication Date Model parameter entitysee %pub-date-model;


publication identifieruse <pub-id>

Publication Identifier Attributes parameter entitysee %pub-id-atts;

Publication Identifier for a Cited Publication

publications typessee “Type” of Cited Work

publication typesee @pub-type


publishersee <publisher>see <publisher-name>

<publisher> Publisher

Publisher Attributes parameter entitysee %publisher-atts;


Publisher Content Model parameter entitysee %publisher-model;

publisher informationsee <publisher-loc>see <publisher-name>


Publisher Location Attributes





Publisher Name Attributes




Publisher’s Location

Publisher’s Location Elementssee %publisher-loc-elements;

Publisher’s Name

Publisher’s Name Elementssee %publisher-name-elements;

Publishing for MathML parameter entitysee %ISOpub;

pubmed idsee <object-id>

pubnamesee <journal-title>


punctuation in citationssee Mixed Style Citationssee Element Style Citations

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

quotesee <disp-quote>

Quote, Displayed

Quote, Displayed Model parameter entitysee %disp-quote-model;

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

@rationale Rationale




reaction, chemistrysee <chem-struct>

reading listuse <ref-list>

received datesee @date-type


Recipient Names Class parameter entitysee %recipient-name.class;

recognition, acknowledgment of see <ack>

recommended readinguse <ref-list>

recto headsee <alt-title>






referencesee <glyph-ref>see <xref>see @ref-type

Reference (Citation) Count Attributes

reference, bibliographicsee <ref>

Reference Attributes parameter entitysee %ref-atts;

reference charactersee @symbol

Reference Count

Reference Elements (Bibliographic Citation) Class Elements parameter entitysee %references.class;

reference identifiersee @id

Reference Item

Reference Item Attributes parameter entitysee %ref-atts;

Reference Item Model parameter entitysee %ref-model;

Reference List (Bibliographic)

Reference List Attributes parameter entitysee %ref-list-atts;

Reference List Model parameter entitysee %ref-list-model;

referencessee <back>use <ref-list>

references, taggingsee Tagging References



Reference to an Identifier

reference typeuse @ref-type

refers-to-documentsee <related-article>








registration datesee @date-type


related articleuse <related-article>see @issuesee @journal-iduse @related-article-typesee @vol

Related Article Attributes parameter entitysee %related-article-atts;




Related Article Elements parameter entitysee %related-article-elements;

Related Article Information

Related Article Links Class Elements parameter entitysee %related-article.class;



related objectuse <related-object>see @link-type

Related Object Attributes parameter entitysee %related-object-atts;


Related Object Element parameter entitysee %related-object.ent;


Related Object Elements parameter entitysee %related-object-elements;


Related Object Information

Relations for MathML parameter entitysee %ISOamsr;

releasesee <edition>

Rendition Markup Plus parameter entitysee %rendition-plus;


replysee <response>

reply to a lettersee Tagging Letters and Replies

reportsee @article-typesee @publication-type

reprint informationsee <permissions>

resolutionsee @resolution


Resolution of the Glyph Bitmap

responsesee <front-stub>see <response>see Tagging Letters and Replies

<response> Response

Response Attributes parameter entitysee %response-atts;




Rest of Paragraph Class Elements (Minus Paragraph) parameter entitysee %rest-of-para.class;

restrictionssee <license>

resultssee @sec-type

retracted datesee @date-type

reuse permissionssee <license>

reviewsee <annotation>see <article>see <product>

review, author ofsee @contrib-type

reviewed datesee @date-type

revised datesee @date-type


right headsee <alt-title>

rolesee <role>see @person-group-type


Role Attributes parameter entitysee %role-atts;



Role Elements parameter entitysee %role-elements;

Role of the Link

Role or Function Title of Contributor

<roman> Roman

Roman Attributes


roman ordersee @list-type

rowuse <tr>see @rowspansee @rules

row rulesee @rules

rowrulesee @rules

row separatorsee @rules


row spansee @rowspanuse @rowspan

Row Span (NISO JATS table model)





Ruby Annotation Wrapper

Ruby Attributes


Ruby Base Attributes

Ruby Base Elements

Ruby Base Text


Ruby Textual Annotation

Ruby Textual Annotation Attributes

Ruby Textual Annotation Elements

Ruby Wrapper Model

rulesee <hr>

rulessee @rulessee Table Formatting


Rules (NISO JATS table model)


running timesee <size>

running titlesee <alt-title>

Russian Cyrillic for MathML parameter entitysee %ISOcyr1;

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

sansee <addr-line>

sans-serifuse <sans-serif>

<sans-serif> Sans Serif

Sans Serif Attributes




Schema Location (MathML Tag Set)

Schema Namespace Declaration parameter entitysee %Schema.xmlns.attrib;




schemesee <fig>

schemegrpsee <fig-group>

schoolsee <institution>

scientific namesee <named-content>


Scope (NISO JATS table model)


Scope is Simpler Than Axes Attribute For Common Tables parameter entitysee %scope.attrib;

seasonuse <season>

<season> Season

Season Attributes parameter entitysee %season-atts;













sectionuse <sec>see @sec-type


section, reference tosee @ref-type

section abstractuse <abstract>

Section Attributes parameter entitysee %sec-atts;

Section Back Matter Class Elements parameter entitysee %sec-back.class;

Section Back Matter Class parameter entitysee %sec-back.class;

Section Back Matter Elements parameter entitysee %sec-back-matter-mix;

Section Class Elements parameter entitysee %sec.class;

Section Elements Module parameter entitysee %section.ent;


Section-Level Elements parameter entitysee %sec-level;

Section Metadata

Section Metadata Attributes



Self-URI Attributes parameter entitysee %self-uri-atts;

Self URI Attributes parameter entitysee %self-uri-atts;



Self-URI Elements parameter entitysee %self-uri-elements;

semantic contentsee @sec-type

semanticssee @list-content


sequencesee <elocation-id>see <list>


sequence numberuse @seq

serial front mattersee <journal-meta>

<series> Series

Series Attributes parameter entitysee %series-atts;



Series Elements parameter entitysee %series-elements;


Series Text: Header Text to Describe

Series Text Attributes parameter entitysee %series-text-atts;



Series Text Elements parameter entitysee %series-text-elements;

<series-title> Series Title

Series Title Attributes parameter entitysee %series-title-atts;



Series Title Elements parameter entitysee %series-title-elements;

Set Up MathML Prefix

Set Up MathML Prefix parameter entitysee %MATHML.pfx;

Setup Module parameter entity for MathML 3.0see %mathml3-mathmlsetup.ent;

short captionsee <alt-text>

short form journal titleuse <abbrev-journal-title>

short titlesee <alt-title>

Showing the Link

SICIuse <article-id>

sidebaruse <boxed-text>

sidebar, reference tosee @ref-type








signaturesee <sig>use <sig>


Signature Attributes parameter entitysee %sig-atts;

Signature Block

Signature Block Attributes parameter entitysee %sig-block-atts;

Signature Block Elements parameter entitysee %sig-block-elements;

Signature Elements parameter entitysee %sig-elements;


Simple Display Class Elements parameter entitysee %simple-display.class;

Simple Display Elements parameter entitysee %simple-display-noalt.class;




Simple Links/Cross-References Class Elements parameter entitysee %simple-link.class;

simple listsee @list-type


Simple MathML Class parameter entitysee %simple-math.class;


Simple Phrase-Level Textual Elements parameter entitysee %simple-phrase;

simple tableuse <array>

Simple Table Display Class Elements parameter entitysee %simple-intable-display.class;


Simple Textual Content parameter entitysee %simple-text;

singlesee @underline-style

sizesee @units

<size> Size

Size Attributes parameter entitysee %size-atts;



Size Elements parameter entitysee %size-elements;

size in citationssee Length and Size

slogansee <conf-theme>


Small Accessibility Class Elements

small capsuse <sc>

Small Caps

Small Caps Attributes

sobriquetuse <prefix>

software reviewsee Tagging Book or Product Reviews

songuse <verse-group>

sourcesee <attrib>see <source>see @source-id

<source> Source

Source Attributes parameter entitysee %source-atts;



Source Elements parameter entitysee %source-elements;


Source Identifier

Source Identifier Type


source referencesee <ext-link>

source typesee @source-id-typesee @source-type

@source-type Source Type

spansee @colspansee @span


Span (NISO JATS table model)

span namesee @colspan

span specificationsee @colspansee @rowspan

speakeruse <speaker>

<speaker> Speaker

Speaker Attributes parameter entitysee %speaker-atts;



Speaker Elements parameter entitysee %speaker-elements;

special casesee <custom-meta>

Special Characters Declarations Module parameter entitysee %xmlspecchars.ent;

special issueuse <issue-title>

@specific-use Specific Use

<speech> Speech

Speech Attributes parameter entitysee %speech-atts;



Speech Model parameter entitysee %speech-model;

sponsorsee <conf-sponsor>see <conference>use <funding-source>

springuse <season>

Srsee <suffix>

stackuse @arrangesee @arrange

staggeruse @arrange

Standard, Cited

standard address numbersee <addr-line>

Standard Elements parameter entitysee %std-elements;

Standards Attributes parameter entitysee %std-atts;

standards bodyuse <std-organization>

Standards Class parameter entitysee %std.class;

standards organizationsee <std-organization>

Standards Organization

Standards Organization Attributes parameter entitysee %std-organization-atts;

Standards Organization Elements parameter entitysee %std-organization-elements;

standfirstsee @abstract-type

stanzasee <verse-group>

stanza linesee <verse-line>

start pagesee @page

start page numbersee <fpage>

statesee <addr-line>


Statement, Formal

Statement, Formal Attributes parameter entitysee %statement-atts;

Statement, Formal Model parameter entitysee %statement-model;

statement, mathematicalsee <statement>

Statement Attributes parameter entitysee %statement-atts;










stereochemical abstractuse <abstract>

streetsee <addr-line>

street addressuse <addr-line>

strikeuse <strike>



Strike Through

Strike Through Attributes


String Date Attributes parameter entitysee %string-date-atts;



String Date Elements parameter entitysee %string-date-elements;


String Name Attributes



String Name Class parameter entitysee %string-name.class;


String Name Elements parameter entitysee %string-name-elements;

struck outuse <strike>


Stub Front Metadata

stylesee @style


Style (NISO JATS table model; MathML Tag Set)

style, listsee @list-type


Style Attribute (NISO JATS table model) parameter entitysee %style.attrib;


Styled Content Attributes parameter entitysee %styled-content-atts;



Styled Content Class Elements parameter entitysee %styled-content.class;


Styled Content Elements parameter entitysee %styled-content-elements;

Styled Special (Subject) Content

@style-type Style Type


sub-articlesee <front-stub>

<sub-article> Sub-article

sub articleuse <sub-article>

Sub-Article Attributes parameter entitysee %sub-article-atts;



Sub-article Model parameter entitysee %sub-article-model;

sub-articlessee Tagging Sub-articles


subcategoriessee <article-categories>

subjectsee <subject>see @content-typesee @subj-group-type


Subject Attributes parameter entitysee %subject-atts;



Subject Group

Subject Group Attributes parameter entitysee %subj-group-atts;

Subject Grouping Name

Subject Grouping Name Elements parameter entitysee %subject-elements;

Subject Group Model parameter entitysee %subj-group-model;

subject heading groupsee <article-categories>

subject mattersee <subj-group>

subjectssee <article-categories>see @sec-type

subject termsee <kwd>see <subject>





submitted datesee @date-type

subordinate namesee <subtitle>

subscriptuse <sub>see @arrange


Subscript Attributes

subsectionuse <sec>

subsidiarysee <institution>


subtitlesee <journal-subtitle>see <subtitle>


Subtitle Attributes parameter entitysee %subtitle-atts;


%subtitle-elements; Subtitle Elements

<suffix> Suffix

Suffix Attributes parameter entitysee %suffix-atts;



Suffix Elements parameter entitysee %suffix-elements;

summarysee <abstract>see <annotation>see <long-desc>


Summary (NISO JATS table model)

summeruse <season>



superioruse <sup>

superscriptuse <sup>see @arrange


Superscript Attributes


Supplementary Information Attributes parameter entitysee %supplementary-material-atts;

supplementary materialsee <boxed-text>see <inline-supplementary-material>see <supplement>see @mimetypesee @sec-typesee @supplement-type

<supplementary-material> Supplementary Material

Supplementary Material Attributes parameter entitysee %supplementary-material-atts;



Supplementary Material Model parameter entitysee %supplementary-material-model;

Supplement Attributes parameter entitysee %supplement-atts;



Supplement Elements parameter entitysee %supplement-elements;

Supplement Information


supporting materialsee <app>see <app-group>see <back>

supportive materialuse <supplementary-material>

<surname> Surname

Surname Attributes parameter entitysee %surname-atts;



Surname Elements parameter entitysee %surname-elements;

surname initialsuse @initials

symbolsee <inline-graphic>see @symbol

@symbol Symbol

synopsisuse <abstract>see @abstract-type

systemsee @pub-id-type

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

tablesee <table>


Table (NISO JATS table model)

table, informalsee <array>

table, reference tosee @ref-type

Table: Name of the caption element parameter entitysee %caption.qname;

Table Body (NISO JATS table model)

Table Body Class Elements parameter entitysee %tbody.class;

Table Body Class parameter entitysee %tbody.class;

Table Body Element Control For a Table parameter entitysee %tbody.element;

Table Body Element Name parameter entitysee %tbody.qname;

Table caption attributes parameter entitysee %caption.attlist;

table cellsee <td>

Table Cell Alignment Character (NISO JATS table model)

table cell horizontal alignmentsee @align

table cell vertical alignmentsee @valign

Table character alignment attribute data type parameter entitysee %Character.datatype;

Table Character Offset (NISO JATS table model)


Table Class Elements parameter entitysee %table.class;

Table Column (NISO JATS table model)

Table Column element content model parameter entitysee %col.content;

Table Column Element Content Model parameter entitysee %col.content;

Table Column Group (NISO JATS table model)

Table Column Group Element Content Model parameter entitysee %colgroup.content;


<table-count> Table Count

Table Count Attributes


Table Data Cell (NISO JATS table model)

Table Data Cell Element Control For a Table parameter entitysee %td.element;

Table Data Cell Element Name parameter entitysee %table.qname;see %td.qname;


table Element Control For a Table parameter entitysee %table.element;

Table Element Control For a Table parameter entitysee %table.element;

table Element Name parameter entitysee %table.qname;


Table Foot Class Elements parameter entitysee %table-foot.class;

table footeruse <tfoot>

Table Footer (NISO JATS table model)

Table Footer Element Control For a Table parameter entitysee %tfoot.element;

Table Footer Element Name parameter entitysee %tfoot.qname;

table footnotesee <table-wrap-foot>

table footnote, reference tosee @ref-type

table footnotessee <fn>

table formattingsee Table Formatting

table groupsee <table-wrap-group>

Table Group Attributes parameter entitysee %table-wrap-group-atts;

Table Header (NISO JATS table model)

Table Header Cell (NISO JATS table model)

Table Header Cell Element Control For a Table parameter entitysee %th.element;

Table Header Cell Element Name parameter entitysee %th.qname;

Table Header Element Control For a Table parameter entitysee %thead.element;

Table Header Element Name parameter entitysee %thead.qname;

Table inside tablesee Nested Tables

table of contents blurbuse <abstract>

Table of Figuressee <fig>


table rowuse <tr>

Table Row (NISO JATS table model)

Table Row Element Control For a Table parameter entitysee %tr.element;

Table Row Element Name parameter entitysee %tr.qname;

Table tbody element content parameter entitysee %tbody.content;

Table td element content parameter entitysee %td.content;

Table tfoot element content parameter entitysee %tfoot.content;

Table thead element content parameter entitysee %thead.content;

Table th element content parameter entitysee %th.content;

table titlesee <caption>

Table tr element content parameter entitysee %tr.content;

table versus table groupsee Tagging Tables

table versus table-wrapsee Tagging Tables



Table Wrap Foor Attributes



Table Wrap Footer Model parameter entitysee %table-wrap-foot-model;






Table Wrapper

Table Wrapper Attributes parameter entitysee %other-table-wrap-atts;see %table-wrap-atts;

Table Wrapper Content Model parameter entitysee %table-wrap-model;

Table Wrapper Footer

Table Wrapper Group

Table Wrapper Group Model parameter entitysee %table-wrap-group-model;

tabular columnuse <col>

tabulationsee <array>

tagging affiliationssee Tagging Affiliations

tagging book and product reviewssee Tagging Book or Product Reviews

tagging book citationssee Cited Books

tagging citationssee Tagging References

tagging conferences in citationssee Conferences in Citations

tagging dates in citationssee Dates in Citations

tagging element citationssee Element Style Citations

tagging figures and graphicssee Tagging Figures, Graphics, and Multimedia

tagging formatting and rules in tablessee Table Formatting

tagging journal articlessee The Critical Tags for Journals

tagging keywordssee Tagging Keywords

tagging labels in citationssee Labels in Citations

tagging length and size in citationssee Length and Size

tagging letters and repliessee Tagging Letters and Replies

tagging mixed citationssee Mixed Style Citations

tagging multiple forms of a graphicsee Tagging Multiple Versions

tagging ordinals in citationssee Tagging Ordinal Numbers

tagging personal namessee Multiple Versions of a Name

tagging referencessee Tagging References

tagging sub-articlessee Tagging Sub-articles

tagging tablessee Tagging Tables

tagging titles in citationssee Titles in Citations

Tag-Set-specific Class Customizations Module parameter entitysee %journalpubcustom-classes.ent;

Tag-Set-specific Mix Customizations Module parameter entitysee %journalpubcustom-mixes.ent;

Tag-Set-specific Models/Attributes Customizations Module parameter entitysee %journalpubcustom-models.ent;

tag set versionuse @dtd-version

tails, articlesee <back>

talksee <speech>


Target Attributes parameter entitysee %target-atts;



Target Elements parameter entitysee %target-elements;

Target of an Internal Link

target referencesee <ext-link>see @xlink:href

target typesee @ext-link-type


taxonomysee <nested-kwd>





Tbody Element Control For a Table parameter entitysee %tbody.element;








term definition pairsee <def>



Term Head Attributes, peuse %term-head-atts;



TeXsee @version


TeX mathsee <tex-math>see @notation

TeX Math Attributes parameter entitysee %tex-math-atts;


TeX Math Equation

TeX Math Equation Attributes parameter entitysee %tex-math-atts;

textboxuse <boxed-text>

textbox, reference tosee @ref-type


Text Datatype parameter entitysee %Text.datatype;

text insertsee <boxed-text>

textual contentsee <body>

<textual-form> Textual Form

Textual Form Attributes



Textual Form Elements parameter entitysee %textual-form-elements;






thank yousee <ack>







themesee <conf-theme>see <issue-title>

theorem, mathematicaluse <statement>

thesis, cited examplesee Thesis or Dissertation

the third (or fourth)see <suffix>


timesee <time-stamp>

timestampuse <date-in-citation>


time stampuse <time-stamp>

Time Stamp Attributes parameter entitysee %time-stamp-atts;



Time Stamp Elements parameter entitysee %time-stamp-elements;

Time Stamp for Cited Work

timingsee @xlink:actuate

tipuse <boxed-text>

titlesee <role>see <source>see <term-head>

<title> Title

title, articleuse <article-title>

title, book (in bibliographic entry)use <source>

title, journalsee <journal-title>

title, journal (in bibliographic entry)use <source>

title, professionalsee <degrees>see <role>

title, seriessee <series-title>

title abbreviation for a journalsee <abbrev-journal-title>

Title Attribute List parameter entitysee %title-atts;

Title Attributes parameter entitysee %title-atts;



Title Class parameter entitysee %title.class;


Title Elements parameter entitysee %struct-title-elements;

<title-group> Title Group

Title Group Attributes



Title Group Model parameter entitysee %title-group-model;

Title of the Link

titles in citationssee Titles in Citations

title typesee @alt-title-type

toctitlesee <alt-title>


Toggle Switch

topicssee <article-categories>see <subj-group>see <subject>

top-levelsee <article>

top-level metadatause <article-meta>


tracking numbersee <article-id>




translated abstractuse <trans-abstract>

Translated Abstract

Translated Abstract Attributes

Translated Abstract Model parameter entitysee %trans-abstract-model;

translated sourcesee <trans-source>

Translated Source

Translated Source Attributes

translated subtitleuse <trans-subtitle>

Translated Subtitle

Translated Subtitle Attributes

Translated Subtitle Elements

translated titlesee <trans-title>

Translated Title

Translated Title Attributes parameter entitysee %trans-title-atts;

Translated Title Elements

Translated Title Group

Translated Title Group Attributes parameter entitysee %trans-title-group-atts;

Translated Title Group Model parameter entitysee %trans-title-group-model;

translationsee <trans-abstract>see <trans-source>

translatoruse <role>see @contrib-type

translator-noteuse <notes>















trusted author identifiersee <contrib-id>see @contrib-id-type


Type (MathML Tag Set)

type, contentsee @content-type

type, objectsee @object-type

type, publishersee @publisher-type

type, sourcesee @source-id-type

Type of Abstract

Type of Alternate Title

Type of Article

Type of Award

Type of Code

Type of Collaboration

type of contentuse @content-type

Type of Content

Type of Contribution

Type of Cross(x)-Reference parameter entitysee %ref-types;

Type of Cross-Reference

Type of Date

Type of External Link

Type of Figure

Type of Footnote

Type of Institution Identifier

Type of Journal Identifier

Type of Journal Title Abbreviation

Type of License

Type of Link

Type of Link (for a Related Object)

Type of List

Type of Notes

type of objectuse @document-type

Type of People in the Person Group

Type of Preformatted Text

Type of Product

Type of Publication

Type of Publication Identifier

Type of Publisher

Type of Referenced Publication

Type of Related Article

Type of Response

Type of Section

Type of Subject Group

Type of Supplement

Type of Target

types of keywordssee Tagging Keywords

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

underlinesee <underline>see @underline-style

<underline> Underline

Underline Attributes parameter entitysee %underline-atts;



undisclosed authorsee <anonymous>

Uniform Resource Identifieruse <uri>

Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)

unique identifiersee @id

@units Units

units of measuresee <size>use @units

universitysee <aff>see <institution>

university degreeuse <degrees>

unknown, authorsee <anonymous>

unordered listsee <list>

unprinted-itemsee <supplementary-material>

unstructured citation textsee <comment>

Up/Down Rendition Class Elements parameter entitysee %subsup.class;


URI Attributes parameter entitysee %uri-atts;see %uri-atts;



URI Elements parameter entitysee %uri-elements;

URI for This Same Article Online

URLsee <ext-link>see <uri>

URL of this articlesee <self-uri>

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z


verbatim textsee <preformat>

verseuse <verse-group>

Verse Form for Poetry


Verse Group Attributes parameter entitysee %verse-group-atts;



Verse Group Model parameter entitysee %verse-group-model;


verse lineuse <verse-line>

Verse Line Attributes parameter entitysee %verse-line-atts;



Verse-Line Elements parameter entitysee %verse-line-elements;

versionuse <edition>


Version of TeX or LaTeX

Version of the Tag Set (DTD)

verso headsee <alt-title>see @alt-title-type

vertical adjustmentsee @valign

vertical alignmentsee @valign

Vertical Alignment (NISO JATS table model)

Vertical Alignment Attribute For Cell Contents parameter entitysee %CellVAlign.attrib;

vertical positionsee @valign

video objectsee <media>

Vietnamese erasee <era>

vitasee <bio>

vocabularysee <glossary>


volumeuse <volume>see @vol







volume identifieruse <volume-id>

Volume Identifier

Volume Identifier Attributes parameter entitysee %volume-id-atts;

Volume Identifier Elements parameter entitysee %volume-id-elements;

volume nameuse <volume-id>

Volume Number

Volume Number Attributes parameter entitysee %volume-atts;

Volume Number Elements parameter entitysee %volume-elements;

Volume of Related Article

<volume-series> Volume Series

Volume Series Attributes parameter entitysee %volume-series-atts;



Volume Series Elements parameter entitysee %volume-series-elements;

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

warninguse <boxed-text>

website, cited examplesee Website

web summarysee @abstract-type

western name formatuse @name-style

what are you countinguse @count-type

whitespacesee <preformat>see @xml:space

widthsee @cellspacingsee @width


Width (NISO JATS table model; MathML Tag Set)

winteruse <season>

<word-count> Word Count

Word Count Attributes


word indexsee <glossary>

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

X (cross) Reference

X(Cross) Reference Attributes parameter entitysee %xref-atts;

X(cross) Reference Elements parameter entitysee %xref-elements;

X(Cross) Reference Elements parameter entitysee %xref-elements;

XHTML 1.1 Table Inline Style Module parameter entitysee %xhtml-inlstyle-1.mod;




XLinkuse <ext-link>







XLink Link Attributes parameter entitysee %link-atts;

XLink Linking Attributes for Optional Linking parameter entitysee %might-link-atts;

XLink Namespace Declaration

XLink Namespace Declaration parameter entitysee %XLINK.xmlns.attrib;


@xml:base Base


@xml:space Space

XML document instance codesee <code>





XML Schema Namespace Declaration


xrefsee <ext-link>see <uri>








X Size of the Glyph

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

yearsee <copyright-year>see <year>

<year> Year

Year Attributes parameter entitysee %year-atts;



Y Size of the Glyph

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

zipsee <addr-line>

Click on a letter to skip to its position in the index.

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z