Name of an institution or organization (for example, a university or corporation).
Common Practice: All levels of a multi-tier organization are typically listed within a single <institution> element. For example, a program, a department, and a university may be part of the same <institution>. Similarly both a division and a corporation would be inside one <institution>.
<institution content-type="edu"> University of Frostbite Falls, Dept of Campus Security, Dept of Moose and Squirrel Security, Office of the Acting Dean</institution>
Alternatively, if an archive wishes to record divisional distinctions made by a publisher, such as an “organization” element with “dept” and “office” sub-elements, the embedded divisions could be converted to this Tag Set using multiple <institution> elements using the @content-type attribute to differentiate department and office. As yet another alternative, the distinction can be made with <named-content> elements:
<institution content-type="edu"> University of Frostbite Falls <named-content content-type="dept"> Dept of Campus Security</named-content> <named-content content-type="dept"> Dept of Moose and Squirrel Security</named-content> <named-content content-type="office"> Office of the Acting Dean</named-content> </institution>
<!ELEMENT institution (#PCDATA %institution-elements;)* >
(#PCDATA | sub | sup)*
<address>, <addr-line>, <aff>, <collab>, <corresp>, <element-citation>, <mixed-citation>, <principal-award-recipient>, <product>, <related-article>, <related-object>
... <article-meta>... <contrib-group> <contrib contrib-type="author"> <name><surname>Silverstein</surname> <given-names>Michael Q.</given-names> </name> <xref ref-type="aff" rid="affDorelco"><sup>1</sup></xref> </contrib> <contrib contrib-type="author"> <name><surname>Taylor</surname> <given-names>James C.</given-names> </name> <degrees>Ph D</degrees> <aff id="affDorelco">Dorelco Corporation Ltd.</aff> <aff id="IIDR"> <institution>Institute of Infectious Disease Research </institution> <addr-line>Oberlin, Washington 96204;</addr-line> </aff> <aff id="UWW"> <institution>Department of Pathobiology, University of WallieWash</institution> <addr-line>Oberlin, Washington 96204</addr-line> </aff> <aff> <institution>University of Kuopio</institution> <addr-line>Kuopio</addr-line> <country>Finland</country> </aff> <address> <institution>Kalakukko Corporation</institution> <addr-line>17 West Jefferson St.</addr-line> <addr-line>Suite 207</addr-line> <addr-line>New South Finland, MD 20856.</addr-line> <phone>(301) 754-5766</phone> <fax>(301) 754-5765</fax> <email></email> <uri></uri> </address> </contrib> </contrib-group>... </article-meta>...