<institution> Institution Name: in an Address

Name of an institution or organization (for example, a university or corporation).


Common Practice

All levels of a multi-tier organization may be listed within a single <institution> element. For example, a program, a department, and a university may be part of the same <institution>. Similarly both a corporation and a division within the corporation might be inside one <institution>:
  <institution content-type="edu">
  University of Frostbite Falls, Dept of Campus Security, 
  Dept of Moose and Squirrel Security, 
  Office of the Acting Dean</institution>
Alternatively, a divisional distinction such as an “organization” element with a subordinate “dept” and an “office” inside a department could tagged using multiple <institution> elements with the @content-type attribute differentiating institution, department, and office:
  <institution content-type="university">
    University of Frostbite Falls</institution>
  <institution content-type="dept">
    Dept of Campus Security</institution>
  <institution content-type="dept">
    Dept of Moose and Squirrel Security</institution>
  <institution content-type="office">
    Office of the Acting Dean</institution>
Note: In the example just given, the three institutions were separate. They could each have been placed inside an <institution-wrap>, to give each institution an identifier. Similarly, if all four institutions (university, department, department, and office) can be identified only as part of the university, all four could be placed inside a single <institution-wrap> and the <institution-id> of the university given.
  <institution-id institution-id-type="Lap-Repos">2023-42-8945354</institution-id>
  <institution content-type="university">
    University of Frostbite Falls</institution>
  <institution content-type="dept">
    Dept of Campus Security</institution>
  <institution content-type="dept">
    Dept of Moose and Squirrel Security</institution>
  <institution content-type="office">
    Office of the Acting Dean</institution>
As yet another alternative, the same distinction could tagged using multiple <named-content> elements within a single institution:
  <institution content-type="edu">
    University of Frostbite Falls
  <named-content content-type="dept">
    Dept of Campus Security</named-content>
  <named-content content-type="dept">
    Dept of Moose and Squirrel Security</named-content>
  <named-content content-type="office">
    Office of the Acting Dean</named-content>
Alignment with Crossref Institution Elements for Affiliations
In the version 5.x Crossref Schemas, the element <institution> is a wrapper element with the following sub-elements:
  • <institution_name> (required)
  • <institution_acronym>
  • <institution_id> with Crossref @id_type attribute
  • <institution_place> with @country attribute
  • <institution_department>
These Crossref elements can be mapped from equivalent JATS elements, for Crossref deposit, as follows:
Crossref to JATS Mapping for Institution Elements
JATS Tagging Crossref Mapping
<institution> <institution_name>
<abbrev> (use @rid to link to the <institution>) <institution_acronym>
<institution-id> with @institution-id-type attribute <institution_id> with Crossref @id_type attribute
The <city> and <country> elements can be used to construct the place <institution_place>
<institution> with @content-type set to dept <institution_department>
Best Practice Table Note: Crossref prefers that depositors provide both an institution name (JATS <institution>) and an institution ID (JATS <institution-id>). When an institution ID is not present, Crossref will try to resolve the institution using their <institution-place> element. Therefore if a JATS user is not going to provide an <institution-id> for Crossref deposit, they should tag a city (<city>) and country (<country>) within the affiliation (<aff>) element.
Alignment with Crossref Institution Elements for Funder Metadata
In the context of recording funding metadata for deposit into or lookup in the Crossref Funder Registry, the Cross_ref element <funder_identifier> should be mapped to/from the JATS element <institution-id>.
Related Elements
The <institution> element holds only the name of the institution. To record an institutional identifier, such as a “Ringgold”, “ROR”, or “ISNI” identifier, the element wrapper element <institution-wrap> should be used to hold both the institution name (<institution>) and the identifier (<institution-id>).
The elements used in an address may include the address class elements: <addr-line>, <city>, <country>, <fax>, <institution>, <institution-wrap>, <state>, <phone>, and <postal-code> and the address linking class elements: <email>, <ext-link>, and <uri>.

Base Attributes


Models and Context
May be contained in
Any combination of:
Content Model
<!ELEMENT  institution  (#PCDATA %institution-elements;)*            >
Expanded Content Model

(#PCDATA | email | ext-link | uri | inline-supplementary-material | related-article | related-object | hr | bold | fixed-case | italic | monospace | overline | overline-start | overline-end | roman | sans-serif | sc | strike | underline | underline-start | underline-end | ruby | alternatives | inline-graphic | inline-media | private-char | chem-struct | inline-formula | tex-math | mml:math | abbrev | index-term | index-term-range-end | milestone-end | milestone-start | named-content | styled-content | fn | target | xref | sub | sup | x | break)*

Tagged Samples
Contributor’s affiliation
 <contrib contrib-type="author">
  <name name-style="western">
 <aff>Klinik für Strahlentherapie und Radiologische Onkologie,
  <institution>Technische Universität München</institution>, 
  Munich, Germany (Tel: 49-89-41404517, E-mail:
  <ext-link ext-link-type="email" xlink:href="mailto:nuesslin@lrz.tum.de">
In <institution-wrap> with <institution-id>
  <contrib contrib-type="author">
    <given-names>T. D.</given-names></name>
   <xref ref-type="aff" rid="aff1"/>
  <contrib contrib-type="author">
    <given-names>H. S.</given-names></name>
   <xref ref-type="aff" rid="aff1"/>
 <aff id="aff1">
   <institution-id institution-id-type="Ringgold">1812</institution-id>
   <institution content-type="university">Harvard University</institution>
   <p>Correspondence to: TD Gaillard <email>tgail@harvard.edu</email></p>
    <institution content-type="laboratory">Massachusetts Green High Performance 
     Computing Center</institution>
   </institution-wrap>, operated by 
    <institution-id institution-id-type="Ringgold">1846</institution-id>
    <institution-id institution-id-type="ISNI">0000 0001 2170 1429</institution-id>
    <institution content-type="university">Boston University</institution>
    <institution-id institution-id-type="Ringgold">1812</institution-id>
    <institution content-type="university">Harvard University</institution>
    <institution-id institution-id-type="Ringgold">2167</institution-id>
    <institution content-type="university">MIT</institution>
    <institution-id institution-id-type="Ringgold">1848</institution-id>
    <institution content-type="university">Northeastern University</institution>
   </institution-wrap>, and the 
    <institution-id institution-id-type="Ringgold">14707</institution-id>
    <institution content-type="university">University of Massachusetts</institution>
In <aff> and in <address>
  <contrib contrib-type="author">
    <given-names>Michael Q.</given-names></name>
   <aff id="UWW">
    <institution>Department of Pathobiology
     University of WallieWash</institution>
    <addr-line>Oberlin, Washington 96204</addr-line>

  <contrib contrib-type="author">
    <given-names>James C.</given-names></name>
   <degrees>Ph D</degrees>
   <aff id="affKalakukko">Kalakukko Corporation</aff>
    <institution>Kalakukko Corporation</institution>
    <addr-line>17 West Jefferson St.</addr-line>
    <addr-line>Suite 207</addr-line>
    <addr-line>New South Finland, MD 20856.</addr-line>
    <phone>(301) 754-5766</phone>
    <fax>(301) 754-5765</fax>