<trans-abstract> Translated Abstract (deprecated)

Abstract that has been translated into a language other than that in which the work was originally published. This element is deprecated.


Avoid using <trans-abstract>; instead, repeat the element <abstract> with different @xml:lang attributes.
Abstracts in Multiple Languages
There is no longer an element meaning “translated-abstract” in JATS. Users with abstracts in more than one language should tag them all as <abstract>s, using the attribute @xml:lang to name the language in which the abstract is written.
The multilingual attributes can be used to mark one abstract as the “original” and another as a “translation”, to mark two or more abstracts as “original”, or to group same-content abstracts into language groups.
Variability of Abstracts
An article may take many abstracts (<abstract>), differing in:
  • size (“<abstract abstract-type="short">”, “<abstract abstract-type="section">”)
  • kind (“<abstract abstract-type="stereochemical">”, “<abstract abstract-type="objectives">”)
  • audience (“<abstract abstract-type="executive-summary">”, “<abstract abstract-type="web-summary">”)
  • language (“<abstract abstract-type="short" xml:lang="de">”, “<abstract abstract-type="short" xml:lang="fr">”)
Attributes are used to differentiate these multiple abstracts:
  • The attribute @specific-use may identify a processing purpose, such as RSS feed or pronunciation.
  • The attribute @xml:lang identifies the language in which the abstract is written.
  • The optional attribute @abstract-type may identify special types of abstracts, for example, graphical abstracts, stereochemical abstracts, ASCII abstracts for sending to small devices, and Table-of-Contents abstracts that are so short they are inserted as annotations into a Table of Contents. See the attribute page for @abstract-type for a list of suggested types.

Base Attributes

Models and Context
May be contained in
The following, in order:
Content Model
<!ELEMENT  trans-abstract
                        %trans-abstract-model;                       >
Expanded Content Model

((object-id)*, (sec-meta?, label?, title?, (address | alternatives | answer | answer-set | array | block-alternatives | boxed-text | chem-struct-wrap | code | explanation | fig | fig-group | graphic | media | preformat | question | question-wrap | question-wrap-group | supplementary-material | table-wrap | table-wrap-group | disp-formula | disp-formula-group | def-list | list | tex-math | mml:math | p | related-article | related-object | ack | disp-quote | speech | statement | verse-group | x)*, (sec)*, (notes | fn-group | glossary | ref-list)*))

Tagged Sample

2 abstracts and 2 titles, each with language identified

   <article-id pub-id-type="publisher-id"
   <title-group xml:lang="en">
    <article-title>Quebec's Bill 114</article-title>
   <title-group  xml:lang="fr">
    <article-title>La Loi 114 du Qu&eacute;bec</article-title>
   <abstract xml:lang="en">
    <p>When 51-year-old Claude Dufresne, experiencing his second 
     myocardial infarction, arrived ...</p>
   <abstract xml:lang="fr">
    <p>Claude Dufresne, 51 ans, en proie &agrave; son deuxi&egrave;me
     infarctus du myocarde, est arriv&eacute; trop tard de six minutes
     &agrave; l&apos;urgence du Centre hospitalier du Centre-de-la-Mauricie,
     h&ocirc;pital de 142 lits de Shawinigan- Sud. Les portes de
     l&apos;urgence &eacute;taient en effet ferm&eacute;es pour la nuit,
     parce qu&apos;aucun des 60 m&eacute;decins de famille ou internistes
     de l&apos;h&ocirc;pital n&apos;&eacute;tait disponible pour assurer
     le service. M. Dufresne est d&eacute;c&eacute;d&eacute; en chemin
     vers la salle d&apos;urgence ouverte la plus pr&egrave;s, &agrave;
     quelque 30 minutes de l&agrave;.</p>
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