<trans-title> Translated Title (deprecated)

Title of a document or document part that has been translated into a language other than that of the original publication. This element is deprecated.


Avoid using <trans-title>; instead, create a second title-group in a different language to hold a second title/subtitle pair in another language.
There is no longer any need for an element meaning “translated-title” in JATS. Users with title/subtitle groups in more than one language should tag them all as <title-group>s, using the attribute @xml:lang to name the language of the title/subtitle.

Best Practice for Multiple Languages

Within the article metadata, a grouping element (<title-group>) keeps related <title>s and <subtitle>s together. Best practice is to place the language attribute (@xml:lang) on the container element <title-group> rather than either the title or the subtitle, unless the title and subtitle are in different languages. The <title-group> may repeat as many times as necessary, once for each language.
When a document is published simultaneously in more than one language, there is no need to choose one title as the original and call all other document titles “translated” titles. The multi-lingual attributes can be used to mark all titles as original.
Article Titles in Citations
Within bibliographic references (<element-citation> and <mixed-citation>), <article-title>s and <part-title>s should repeat for different languages (using the @xml:lang attribute to indicate the language). Any matching subtitle should be incorporated as part of the title.
The multi-lingual attributes may be used to express the relationship between multiple titles and/or to tie the same title in multiple languages together. For example, if a cited article were originally in French, the <article-title> element would contain the French title with an @xml:lang attribute (@xml:lang="fr") and an @lang-variant attribute to say that French was the original language (@lang-variant="original"). A second <article-title> element could contain an English title, identified with an @xml:lang attribute (@xml:lang="en") and a @lang-variant attribute to say that the English was a translation (@lang-variant="translation").
Journal names or titles would be tagged as a <source>s, with appropriate multi-lingual attributes identifying the language(s) and variant(s).
Article Subtitles in Citations
Within a bibliographic reference (<element-citation> or <mixed-citation>), article titles are tagged as <article-title>s, but there is no separate element for <subtitle>. For best retrieval, subtitles should be tagged as part of the title.
Cited Books
Within a bibliographic reference (<element-citation> or <mixed-citation>), book titles are tagged with the element <source>, which may be repeated for multiple languages.
Related Elements
There are several elements concerned with the title of an article, all contained within the container element <title-group> in the article metadata:
  • The <article-title> is the full title of the article.
  • The <subtitle> is a subordinate or auxiliary title that adds information to the full title or modifies the full title.
  • The <alt-title> is another version of an article title, usually created so that the title can be processed in a distinct way, for example, a short version of the title for use in a Table of Contents, an ASCII title, or a version of the title to be used in the right-running-head.
The entire <title-group> should repeat to handle multiple languages, using the @xml:lang attribute to mark the language of the title group.

Base Attributes

Models and Context
May be contained in
Any combination of:
Content Model
<!ELEMENT  trans-title  (#PCDATA %trans-title-elements;)*            >
Expanded Content Model

(#PCDATA | email | ext-link | uri | inline-supplementary-material | related-article | related-object | hr | bold | fixed-case | italic | monospace | overline | overline-start | overline-end | roman | sans-serif | sc | strike | underline | underline-start | underline-end | ruby | alternatives | inline-graphic | inline-media | private-char | chem-struct | inline-formula | tex-math | mml:math | abbrev | index-term | index-term-range-end | milestone-end | milestone-start | named-content | styled-content | fn | target | xref | sub | sup | x | break)*

Tagged Samples
Two titles and two abstracts, each with language identified
(Second <article-title> replaces deprecated <trans-title>)
   <article-id pub-id-type="publisher-id"
   <title-group xml:lang="en">
    <article-title>Quebec's Bill 114</article-title>
   <title-group  xml:lang="fr">
    <article-title>La Loi 114 du Qu&eacute;bec</article-title>
   <abstract xml:lang="en">
    <p>When 51-year-old Claude Dufresne, experiencing his second 
     myocardial infarction, arrived ...</p>
   <abstract xml:lang="fr">
    <p>Claude Dufresne, 51 ans, en proie &agrave; son deuxi&egrave;me
     infarctus du myocarde, est arriv&eacute; trop tard de six minutes
     &agrave; l&apos;urgence du Centre hospitalier du Centre-de-la-Mauricie,
     h&ocirc;pital de 142 lits de Shawinigan- Sud. Les portes de
     l&apos;urgence &eacute;taient en effet ferm&eacute;es pour la nuit,
     parce qu&apos;aucun des 60 m&eacute;decins de famille ou internistes
     de l&apos;h&ocirc;pital n&apos;&eacute;tait disponible pour assurer
     le service. M. Dufresne est d&eacute;c&eacute;d&eacute; en chemin
     vers la salle d&apos;urgence ouverte la plus pr&egrave;s, &agrave;
     quelque 30 minutes de l&agrave;.</p>
Showing two “original” titles
(Second <article-title> replaces deprecated <trans-title>)
  <article-id pub-id-type="publisher-id"
  <title-group xml:lang="en" lang-variant="original"> 
    <article-title>Quebec's Bill 114</article-title>
  <title-group xml:lang="fr" lang-variant="original">
    <article-title>La Loi 114 du Québec</article-title>
Two translations of an original
(Second and third <issue-title>s replace <trans-title>)
 <issue-title-group id="issue-title" 
   xml:lang="en" lang-group="issue-title"
  <issue-title xml:lang="en">The Poutine</issue-title>
  <issue-subtitle xml:lang="en">A Tasty Dish</issue-subtitle>

 <issue-title-group id="fr-issue-title"
    xml:lang="fr" lang-group="issue-title"
  <issue-title>La poutine</issue-title>
  <issue-subtitle>un met savories</issue-subtitle>

 <issue-title-group id="pt-issue-title"
    xml:lang="pt" lang-group="issue-title"
   <issue-subtitle>Um Prato amoroso</issue-subtitle>
 </issue-title-group> ...
In citations
(<part-title> replaces deprecated <trans-title>)
Mixed citation
 <mixed-citation publication-type="journal" publication-format="print">
  <given-names>LM</given-names></string-name> (Departamento
  de Servicios de Salud de Emergencia, Escuela de Posgrado,
  Universidad de Maryland, Condado de Baltimore, USA.
  [<trans-title xml:lang="en">Prehospital emergency care
  in Mexico City: the opportunities of the healthcare
  system</trans-title>]. <source>Salud Publica Mex</source>.
  <year iso-8601-date="2005-01">2005</year> <month>Jan-Feb</month>;
Element citation
 <element-citation publication-type="journal" publication-format="print">
   <aff>Departamento de Servicios de Salud de
    Emergencia, Escuela de Posgrado, Universidad
    de Maryland, Condado de Baltimore, USA.
  <part-title xml:lang="en" lang-variant="translation"
  >Prehospital emergency care in Mexico City: the 
  opportunities of the healthcare system</part-title>
  <source>Salud Publica Mex</source>
  <year iso-8601-date="2005-01">2005</year>
Related Resources