A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z





abbreviated citations see Abbreviated Citations

Abbreviation (NISO JATS table model)

abbreviation, conference name see <conf-acronym>

abbreviation, journal id see <journal-id>

Abbreviation Attributes parameter entity see %abbrev-atts;

Abbreviation Elements parameter entity see %abbrev-elements;

Abbreviation or Acronym

Abstract Attributes parameter entity see %abstract-atts;



Abstract Class Elements


Abstract Model parameter entity see %abstract-model;


academic degree use <degrees>

academic title use <degrees>

accepted date see @date-type



access date use <date-in-citation>

Access Date Attributes parameter entity see %access-date-atts;



Access Date Elements parameter entity see %access-date-elements;

Access Date for Cited Work

accessibility see <alt-text> see <long-desc> see @summary

Accessibility Class Elements parameter entity see %access.class;

accessibility only use @specific-use





Acknowledgments Attributes parameter entity see %ack-atts;

Acknowledgments Model parameter entity see %ack-model;

acronym use <abbrev> see <conf-acronym>

Actuating the Link

Added Latin 1 for MathML parameter entity see %ISOlat1;

Added Latin 2 for MathML parameter entity see %ISOlat2;

Added Math Symbols: Binary Operators for MathML parameter entity see %ISOamsb;

addendum see @related-article-type

additional articles see <related-article>

additional material see <app> use <supplementary-material>

additional material (integral) see <app-group>

additional reading use <ref-list>



Address/Contact Information

Address Attributes parameter entity see %address-atts;



Address Class Elements parameter entity see %address.class;

Address Line

Address Line Attributes parameter entity see %addr-line-atts;


Address Line Class Elements parameter entity see %address-line.class;

Address Line Elements parameter entity see %addr-line-elements;


Address Link Class Elements parameter entity see %address-link.class;


Address Model parameter entity see %address-model;












affiliation, where to place see Tagging Affiliations

Affiliation Alternatives

Affiliation Alternatives Attributes

Affiliation Alternatives Model

Affiliation Attributes parameter entity see %aff-atts;

Affiliation Elements parameter entity see %aff-elements;

Affiliations Alternatives Class

aggregator see @journal-id-type

agreement see <license>

ALI (Access License and Indicators) Namespace Setup Module parameter entity see %JATS-ali-namespace.ent;




alignment see @align see @charoff





alpha order, list see @list-type


Alternate Text Attributes parameter entity see %alt-text-atts;

Alternate Text Name (for a figure, etc.)

Alternative Greek Symbols parameter entity see %ISOgrk4;

alternative names see Multiple Versions of a Name

alternatives see <ali:free_to_read> see <alt-text> see <citation-alternatives> see <collab-alternatives> see <name-alternatives>


Alternatives Attributes



Alternatives Display Class Elements parameter entity see %alternatives-display.class;

Alternatives For Processing


Alternatives Model parameter entity see %alternatives-model;

Alternative Text



anchor see <target>

anchoring a figure see @position

ancillary material see <app> use <supplementary-material>

ancillary material (integral) see <app-group>

animation see <media>

Annotation Attributes parameter entity see %annotation-atts;


Annotation in a Citation

%annotation-model; Annotation Model



announcer see <speaker>

Anonymous Attributes


Anonymous Content Model parameter entity see %anonymous-model;


Anonymous Model parameter entity see %anonymous-model;






Appearance Class Elements parameter entity see %appearance.class;

appendices use <app-group>


Appendix Attributes parameter entity see %app-atts;

Appendix Group

Appendix Group Attributes parameter entity see %app-group-atts;

Appendix Group Model parameter entity see %app-group-model;

Appendix Model parameter entity see %app-model;




appm use <app-group>



Arrangement of Subscripts and Superscripts

Arrow Relations for MathML parameter entity see %ISOamsa;

art see <fig> see <graphic> see <media>

Article/Publication Identifier Types parameter entity see %pub-id-types;

Article Attributes parameter entity see %article-atts;






article footnote see <fn>

article header see <article-meta> see <front>

article information see <article-meta>




article metadata see <front>

Article Metadata

Article Metadata Attributes

Article Metadata Elements Module parameter entity see %articlemeta.ent;

Article Metadata Model parameter entity see %article-meta-model;



Article Model (Limited) parameter entity see %article-short-model;

article number see <object-id>

article sequence number see @seq


<article-title> Article Title

Article Title Attributes parameter entity see %article-title-atts;



Article Title Elements parameter entity see %article-title-elements;



assistance, acknowledgment of see <ack>





Attribution Attributes parameter entity see %attrib-atts;

Attribution Elements parameter entity see %attrib-elements;

audio object see <media>

audiovisual see <supplementary-material>

@authenticated Authenticated

author see <attrib> use <contrib> see @contrib-type

author biography see <bio>

<author-comment> Author Comment

Author Comment Attributes parameter entity see %author-comment-atts;



Author Comment Model parameter entity see %author-comment-model;

author-group see <contrib-group>

author identifier see <contrib-id> see @contrib-id-type

Authoring custom classes module parameter entity see %articleauthcustom-classes.ent;

Authoring tag-set-specific custom classes module parameter entity see %articleauthcustom-classes.ent;

authority, keyword see @kwd-group-type

authority, publication id see @pub-id-type

Authority Responsible for an Identifier

author of a cited work see Multiple Versions of a Name see Names and String Names in Citations

authors see <person-group>

availability see <permissions>

<award-group> Award Group

Award Group Attributes parameter entity see %award-group-atts;



Award Group Model parameter entity see %award-group-model;




Award-ID Elements parameter entity see %award-id-elements;

Award Identifier

Award Identifier Attributes parameter entity see %award-id-atts;

Award Identifier Elements parameter entity see %award-id-elements;



Axis (NISO JATS table model)

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z