A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z


Table (NISO JATS table model)

table, reference to see @ref-type

Table: Name of the caption element parameter entity see %caption.qname;

Table attributes parameter entity see %additional-table-atts;

Table Body (NISO JATS table model)

Table Body Class Elements parameter entity see %tbody.class;

Table Body Class parameter entity see %tbody.class;

Table Body Element Control For a Table parameter entity see %tbody.element;

Table Body Element Name parameter entity see %tbody.qname;

Table caption attributes parameter entity see %caption.attlist;

table cell see <td>

Table Cell Alignment Character (NISO JATS table model)

table cell horizontal alignment see @align

table cell vertical alignment see @valign

Table character alignment attribute data type parameter entity see %Character.datatype;

Table Character Offset (NISO JATS table model)


Table Class Elements parameter entity see %table.class;

Table Column (NISO JATS table model)

Table Column element content model parameter entity see %col.content;

Table Column Element Content Model parameter entity see %col.content;

Table Column Group (NISO JATS table model)

Table Column Group Element Content Model parameter entity see %colgroup.content;


Table Data Cell (NISO JATS table model)

Table Data Cell Element Control For a Table parameter entity see %td.element;

Table Data Cell Element Name parameter entity see %table.qname; see %td.qname;


table Element Control For a Table parameter entity see %table.element;

Table Element Control For a Table parameter entity see %table.element;

table Element Name parameter entity see %table.qname;


Table Foot Class Elements parameter entity see %table-foot.class;

Table Footer (NISO JATS table model)

Table Footer Element Control For a Table parameter entity see %tfoot.element;

Table Footer Element Name parameter entity see %tfoot.qname;

table footnote see <fn> see <table-wrap-foot>

table footnote, reference to see @ref-type

table formatting see Table Formatting

Table Header (NISO JATS table model)

Table Header Cell (NISO JATS table model)

Table Header Cell Element Control For a Table parameter entity see %th.element;

Table Header Cell Element Name parameter entity see %th.qname;

Table Header Element Control For a Table parameter entity see %thead.element;

Table Header Element Name parameter entity see %thead.qname;

Table inside table see Nested Tables

table of contents blurb see <abstract>

Table of Figures see <fig>


Table Row (NISO JATS table model)

Table Row Element Control For a Table parameter entity see %tr.element;

Table Row Element Name parameter entity see %tr.qname;

Table tbody element content parameter entity see %tbody.content;

Table td element content parameter entity see %td.content;

Table tfoot element content parameter entity see %tfoot.content;

Table thead element content parameter entity see %thead.content;

Table th element content parameter entity see %th.content;

table title see <caption>

Table tr element content parameter entity see %tr.content;

table versus table-wrap see Tagging Tables




Table Wrap Foot Attributes


Table Wrap Footer Model parameter entity see %table-wrap-foot-model;



Table Wrapper

Table Wrapper Attributes parameter entity see %other-table-wrap-atts; see %table-wrap-atts;

Table Wrapper Content Model parameter entity see %table-wrap-model;

Table Wrapper Footer

tabular column use <col>

tagging affiliations see Tagging Affiliations

tagging book and product reviews see Tagging Book or Product Reviews

tagging book citations see Cited Books

tagging citations see Tagging References

tagging conferences in citations see Conferences in Citations

tagging dates in citations see Dates in Citations

tagging element citations see Element Style Citations

tagging figures and graphics see Tagging Figures, Graphics, and Multimedia

tagging formatting and rules in tables see Table Formatting

tagging journal articles see The Critical Tags for Journals

tagging keywords see Tagging Keywords

tagging length and size in citations see Length and Size

tagging mixed citations see Mixed Style Citations

tagging multiple forms of a graphic see Tagging Multiple Versions

tagging ordinals in citations see Tagging Ordinal Numbers

tagging personal names see Multiple Versions of a Name

tagging references see Tagging References

tagging titles in citations see Titles in Citations

Tag-Set-specific Class Customizations Module parameter entity see %articleauthcustom-classes.ent;

Tag-Set-specific Mix Customizations Module parameter entity see %articleauthcustom-mixes.ent;

Tag-Set-specific Models/Attributes Customizations Module parameter entity see %articleauthcustom-models.ent;

tag set version use @dtd-version

talk see <speech>


Target Attributes parameter entity see %target-atts;



Target Elements parameter entity see %target-elements;

Target of an Internal Link

target reference see <ext-link> see @xlink:href

target type see @ext-link-type


taxonomy see <nested-kwd>





Tbody Element Control For a Table parameter entity see %tbody.element;








term definition pair see <def>



Term Head Attributes, pe use %term-head-atts;



territory use <state>

textbox use <boxed-text>

textbox, reference to see @ref-type


Text Datatype parameter entity see %Text.datatype;

text insert see <boxed-text>

textual content see <body>

<textual-form> Textual Form

Textual Form Attributes



Textual Form Elements parameter entity see %textual-form-elements;






thank you see <ack>







theme see <conf-theme> see <issue-title>

theorem, mathematical use <statement>

thesis, cited example see Thesis or Dissertation

the third (or fourth) see <suffix>


time see <time-stamp>


time stamp use <time-stamp>

timestamp, citation use <date-in-citation>

Time Stamp Attributes parameter entity see %time-stamp-atts;



Time Stamp Elements parameter entity see %time-stamp-elements;

Time Stamp for Cited Work

timing see @xlink:actuate

tip use <boxed-text>

title see <source> see <term-head>

<title> Title

title, book (in bibliographic entry) use <source>

title, journal (in bibliographic entry) use <source>

title, of an article use <article-title>

title, professional see <degrees> see <role>

Title Attribute List parameter entity see %title-atts;

Title Attributes parameter entity see %title-atts;



Title Class parameter entity see %title.class;


Title Elements parameter entity see %struct-title-elements;

<title-group> Title Group

Title Group Attributes



Title Group Model parameter entity see %title-group-model;

Title of the Link

titles in citations see Titles in Citations


Toggle Switch

top-level see <article>

top-level metadata use <article-meta>

town or township use <city>


Translated Source

Translated Source Attributes

Translated Title

Translated Title Attributes parameter entity see %trans-title-atts;

Translated Title Elements

translation see <trans-source>

translator use <role> see @contrib-type









trusted author identifier see <contrib-id> see @contrib-id-type

type, object see @object-type

type, publisher see @publisher-type

type, source see @source-id-type

Type of Abstract

Type of Article

Type of Award

Type of Code

Type of Collaboration

type of content use @content-type

Type of Content

Type of Contribution

Type of Cross(x)-Reference parameter entity see %ref-types;

Type of Cross-Reference

Type of Date

Type of External Link

Type of Figure

Type of Footnote

Type of Institution Identifier

Type of Journal Identifier

Type of License

Type of Link

Type of Link (for a Related Object)

Type of List

type of object use @document-type

Type of People in the Person Group

Type of Preformatted Text

Type of Product

Type of Publication

Type of Publication Identifier

Type of Publisher

Type of Referenced Publication

Type of Related Article

Type of Section

Type of Supplement

Type of Target

types of keywords see Tagging Keywords

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z