

One who utters one segment of a speech or dialog.


For example, the computer “HAL” is the speaker in the following exchange “HAL: ‘Hi Dave’”

Related Elements

A <speech> is a container element that names the person, object or group speaking (<speaker> element), followed by one complete utterance, modeled as one or more paragraphs (<p>). These paragraphs need not be long text constructions, but may contain only a few words, as in the example “Hi Dave” above.


Content Model

<!ELEMENT  speaker      (#PCDATA %speaker-elements;)*                >

Expanded Content Model

(#PCDATA | degrees | given-names | prefix | surname | suffix | fn | target | xref)*


This element may be contained in:


<p>The participants understood the purpose of their peer
response groups to be finding mistakes or problems in each
other&rsquo;s essays ... Clara, one of the Chinese-speakers,
explains why she no longer believes the initial positive comments:
<p>I think Aeenoy start this way. I think she always do
this way, like say some good thing first. And then I know
the bad thing is coming.</p>
<p>So, why doe she do that?</p>
<p>I think it gives somebody self-esteem ...</p></speech>