Address/Contact Information
Container element for contact information such as a postal address for a person or organization.
Content Model
<!ELEMENT address %address-model; >
Expanded Content Model
((institution | institution-wrap)*, addr-line*, city?, state?, postal-code?, country, phone*, fax*, email*, ext-link*, uri*)
The following, in order:
- Any combination of:
- <addr-line> Address Line, zero or more
- <city> City, zero or one
- <state> State or Province, zero or one
- <postal-code> Postal Code, zero or one
- <country> Country: in an Address
- <phone> Phone Number: in an Address, zero or more
- <fax> Fax Number: in an Address, zero or more
- Linking Elements
- <email> Email Address, zero or more
- <ext-link> External Link, zero or more
- <uri> Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), zero or more
<contrib contrib-type="author">
<given-names>Michael Q.</given-names></name>
<aff id="UWW">
<institution>Department of Pathobiology
University of WallieWash</institution>
<addr-line>Oberlin, Washington 96204</addr-line>
<contrib contrib-type="author">
<given-names>James C.</given-names></name>
<degrees>Ph D</degrees>
<aff id="affKalakukko">Kalakukko Corporation</aff>
<institution>Kalakukko Corporation</institution>
<addr-line>17 West Jefferson St.</addr-line>
<addr-line>Suite 207</addr-line>
<addr-line>New South Finland, MD 20856.</addr-line>
<phone>(301) 754-5766</phone>
<fax>(301) 754-5765</fax>