Volume Series
Series number of a journal volume for the rare case where a single journal has multiple volumes with the same volume number.
This element will rarely be used. It handles the case in which a publisher reissues a journal and restarts the volume numbering with “1”. Duplicate volume numbers would then exist and need to be differentiated in citations. One solution for differentiation is for the publisher to add a series number to the volume number, and the <volume-series> has been created to hold such a number.
Best Practice: The <volume-series> element should hold the number or name of the series of the
volume’s series (for example, “1” for the original numbering and “2” for the re-numbering), while the <volume> element should hold the number of the volume within that series (for example, “519”).
Content Model
<!ELEMENT volume-series (#PCDATA %volume-series-elements;)* >
Expanded Content Model
Text, numbers, or special characters, zero or more
This element may be contained in:
Example 1
<journal-title>Glasgow Medical Journal</journal-title>
<article-title>Diabetes Mellitus in Twins: With a Report of Four Cases</article-title>
<pub-date pub-type="ppub" iso-8601-date="1955-01">
<volume-series>7th Ser</volume-series>
Example 2
Cite a specific print version of a series:
<mixed-citation publication-type="journal" publication-format="print">
<string-name><surname>Isaacs</surname>, <given-names>A</given-names></string-name>.
<article-title>Laboratory methods used in investigating influenza</article-title>.
<source>Glasgow Med J</source>. <year iso-8601-date="1948">1948</year>;
<volume-series>7th Ser</volume-series> <volume>29</volume>(<issue>10</issue>):
<fpage>357</fpage>-<lpage>61</lpage>. PubMed: PMID <pub-id pub-id-type="pmid">18894077</pub-id>.