

Biographical data concerning a contributor or the description of a collaboration.


The XLink linking attribute @xlink:href may be used to point to a picture of the contributor, to a more complete vita, to his/her website, etc.


Content Model

<!ELEMENT  bio          %bio-model;                                  >

Expanded Content Model

(title?, (boxed-text | chem-struct-wrap | code | fig | graphic | media | preformat | supplementary-material | table-wrap | disp-formula | disp-formula-group | def-list | list | p | disp-quote | speech | statement | verse-group)*, (sec)*)


This element may be contained in:

Example 1

Section-style <bio> with headed sections:
<contrib contrib-type="author">
<p>One of the most well-known Surgeons General of the
United States (1982-1989), C. Everett Koop&rsquo;s illustrious
career encompasses more than 35 years ...</p>
<p>Following his graduation from Dartmouth College (B.A.,
1937), Koop received his M.D. degree ...</p>
<title>Medical Practice</title>
<p>Following his training, Koop joined the staff of
Children&rsquo;s Hospital of Philadelphia as a pediatric
surgeon; in 1946 he became ...</p>
<title>Government Office</title>
<p>Koop became Surgeon General in January 1982.  During
his tenure, he was a strong advocate on public health issues
such as the rights of the disabled, smoking, and ...</p>
<p>The same year as his appointment, controversy arose
involving the treatment of a disabled newborn ...</p>

Example 2

<article dtd-version="1.2d1">
<contrib contrib-type="author">
<role>Designed electronic devices and protocols</role>
<aff>School of Electronic Engineering, University of Finlandia</aff>
<p><bold>Anne Forster</bold> is the current editor of the 
<italic>OASIS Microwave Journal</italic>, responsible for 
Technical Committee and Developments. She received her 
BE and PhD in electrical engineering from the University of 
Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. Currently, she is professor 
in the School of Electronic Engineering at the University of 
Finlandia, where she holds the chair in Microwave Electronics</p>
<p>She is a member of the technical program committee
for the International Microwave Symposium and a member
of the editorial board for the <italic>Mulberry Transactions 
on Microwave Theory and Technique</italic>. She has 
organized many workshops and taught many short courses 
on microwave signal integrity and wireless and RF design.</p>
<contrib contrib-type="author">...</contrib>