Institution Identifier
A externally defined institutional identifier, whether publisher-specific (for example,
“AIP”) or from an established identifying authority (for example, “Ringgold” or “ISNI”).
A single institution may have multiple identifiers, either because different assigning
agencies have defined an identifier or because the entity belongs to more than one larger
organizational unit, for example, a laboratory may be part of multiple institutions.
Common Practice: All levels of a multi-tier
organization may be listed within a single
<institution> element and
given a single institution identifier. For example, a program, a
department, and a university may be part of the same
<institution>, inside a single
<institution-wrap> with a single
<institution-id>. Similarly both a corporation and a
division within the corporation might be inside one <institution> element, inside a <institution-wrap> with a single institution
identifier (<institution-id>).
<institution-wrap> <institution-id>Moo-U-41</institution-id> <institution content-type="edu"> University of Frostbite Falls, Dept of Campus Security, Dept of Moose and Squirrel Security, Office of the Acting Dean</institution> </institution-wrap>
Alternatively, a divisional distinction such as an
“organization” element with a subordinate “dept” and an “office”
inside a department could tagged using multiple
<institution> elements with the
@content-type attribute differentiating institution, department, and
office. Each of these divisions could be assigned an institutional identifier
(<institution-id>), which would require the wrapper element
... <institution-wrap> <institution content-type="edu"> University of Frostbite Falls</institution> <institution-id>Moo-U-41</institution-id> </institution-wrap> <institution-wrap> <institution content-type="dept"> Dept of Campus Security</institution> <institution-id>dept-42s</institution-id> </institution-wrap> <institution-wrap> <institution content-type="dept"> Dept of Moose and Squirrel Security</institution> <institution-id>rcky-n-bllw</institution-id> </institution-wrap> <institution-wrap> <institution content-type="office"> Office of the Acting Dean</institution> <institution-id>4850ws</institution-id> </institution-wrap> ...
External Identifier: The
Institution Identifier element holds an external identifier, assigned to an
institution by a publisher, an archive or library, or an agency such as Ringgold or ISNI. The
contents of this element should not be confused with the @id attribute, which holds an internal document identifier that can be used by software
to preform a simple in-document link.
Attribute Best Practice: If the content of the <institution-id> element is a term from thesaurus, ontology, term-list, vocabulary, industry glossary or other known source, the vocabulary attributes should be used to record that source. This source can be a formal ontology or an informal field of study. Two attributes are used in this Tag Set to identify such a controlled or uncontrolled vocabulary:
vocab | Name of the controlled or uncontrolled vocabulary, taxonomy, ontology, index, database, or similar that is the source of the term. For example, for a subject term, a value might be the IPC Codes (“ipc”) or MESH headings
(“mesh”). For an uncontrolled term, the value might be
an area of study such as “medical-devices” or merely the word “uncontrolled”. |
vocab-identifier | Unique identifier of the vocabulary, such as (but not limited to) a URI or DOI. For example, for Dublin Core (DCC), the identifier might be “http://dublincore.org/documents/2012/06/14/dces/”. |
Content Model
<!ELEMENT institution-id %institution-id-model; >
Expanded Content Model
Text, numbers, or special characters
This element may be contained in:
Example 1
In article metadata, inside an affiliation:
... <article-meta> ... <contrib-group> <contrib contrib-type="author"> <name><surname>Gaillard</surname> <given-names>T. D.</given-names></name> <aff> <institution-wrap> <institution-id institution-id-type="Ringgold">1812</institution-id> <institution content-type="university">Harvard University</institution> </institution-wrap> </aff> <author-comment> <p>Correspondence to: TD Gaillard <email>tgail@harvard.edu</email></p> </author-comment> </contrib> <contrib contrib-type="author"> <name><surname>Clark</surname> <given-names>H. S.</given-names></name> <aff> <institution-wrap> <institution-id institution-id-type="Ringgold">1812</institution-id> <institution content-type="university">Harvard University</institution> </institution-wrap> </aff> </contrib> </contrib-group> ... </article-meta> ...
Example 2
Institution shown with @vocab identifying the Crossref Funder Registry and the <institution> matching the preferred Funder Registry label:
... <article-meta> ... <funding-group specific-use="Crossref"> <award-group> <funding-source id="gs1" country="US"> <institution-wrap> <institution>National Institutes of Health</institution> <institution-id institution-id-type="doi" vocab="open-funder-registry" vocab-identifier="10.13039/open_funder_registry">10.13039/100000002</institution-id> </institution-wrap> </funding-source> <award-id>GM18458</award-id> </award-group> <award-group> <funding-source id="gs2" country="US"> <institution-wrap> <institution>National Science Foundation</institution> <institution-id institution-id-type="doi" vocab="open-funder-registry" vocab-identifier="10.13039/open_funder_registry">10.13039/100000001</institution-id> </institution-wrap> </funding-source> <award-id>DMS-0204674</award-id> <award-id>DMS-0244638</award-id> </award-group> </funding-group> ... </article-meta> ...
<funding-group specific-use="Crossref">
<funding-source country="UK">
<institution>ABBEY AWARDS</institution>
Example 3
In article metadata, inside a funding group:
... <funding-group> <award-group> <funding-source> <institution-wrap> <institution content-type="laboratory">Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center</institution> </institution-wrap>, operated by <institution-wrap> <institution-id institution-id-type="Ringgold">1846</institution-id> <institution-id institution-id-type="ISNI">0000 0001 2170 1429</institution-id> <institution content-type="university">Boston University</institution> </institution-wrap>, <institution-wrap> <institution-id institution-id-type="Ringgold">1812</institution-id> <institution content-type="university">Harvard University</institution> </institution-wrap>, <institution-wrap> <institution-id institution-id-type="Ringgold">2167</institution-id> <institution content-type="university">MIT</institution> </institution-wrap>, <institution-wrap> <institution-id institution-id-type="Ringgold">1848</institution-id> <institution content-type="university">Northeastern University</institution> </institution-wrap>, and the <institution-wrap> <institution-id institution-id-type="Ringgold">14707</institution-id> <institution content-type="university">University of Massachusetts</institution> </institution-wrap> </funding-source> </award-group> </funding-group> ...