%disp-formula-elements; Formula, Display Elements

Elements that can be included along with data characters inside the content model of the <disp-formula> element.
<!ENTITY % disp-formula-elements
                         "| %access.class; | %address-link.class; |
                          %break.class; | %emphasis.class; |
                          %caption.class; |
                          %display-back-matter.class; |
                          %inline-display.class; |
                          %inline-math.class; | %label.class; |
                          %legend.class; | %math.class; | 
                          %simple-display.class; | %subsup.class;"   >
Expanded Declaration

| alt-text | long-desc | email | ext-link | uri | break | bold | fixed-case |italic | monospace | overline | roman | sans-serif | sc | strike | underline | ruby | caption | attrib | permissions | alternatives | inline-graphic | inline-media | chem-struct | inline-formula | label | legend | mml:math | code | graphic | media | preformat | sub | sup