<conf-loc> Conference Location

Physical location(s) of a conference (for example, city, country, campus, organization location).


Best Practice

If the conference is in the United States, the state should also be provided. Do not include a specific venue or address (for example, the conference hotel), unless there is no other location information.
In Citations
The element <conf-loc> may be used in bibliographic references (<element-citation> and <mixed-citation>).
Related Elements
The container element <conference> holds all of the elements that may be used to describe a conference, when an article was originally presented at a conference. Those elements include: <conf-date>, <conf-name>, <conf-acronym>, <conf-num>, <conf-loc>, <conf-sponsor>, and <conf-theme>.

Base Attributes

Models and Context
May be contained in
Content Model
<!ELEMENT  conf-loc     (#PCDATA %conf-loc-elements;)*               >
Expanded Content Model
(#PCDATA | addr-line | city | country | fax | institution | institution-wrap
| phone | postal-code | state)*
Tagged Samples
In citations
Mixed citation
 <mixed-citation publication-type="paper">
  <article-title>Clinical value of two serial pulmonary
  embolism-protocol CT studies performed within ten
  days</article-title>. <conf-name>Annual Scientific
  Meeting and Postgraduate Course of the American
  Society of Emergency Radiology</conf-name>;
  <conf-date iso-8601-date="2006-09-27">2006 Sep
  27-30</conf-date>; <conf-loc>Washington, DC</conf-loc>.
Element citation
 <element-citation publication-type="paper">
  <article-title>Clinical value of two serial pulmonary
   embolism-protocol CT studies performed within ten
  <conf-name>Annual Scientific Meeting and Postgraduate
   Course of the American Society of Emergency Radiology</conf-name>
  <conf-date iso-8601-date="2006-09-27">2006 Sep 27-30</conf-date>
  <conf-loc>Washington, DC</conf-loc>
In <conference>
  <conf-date iso-8601-date="1999">1999</conf-date>
  <conf-name>The 27th annual ACM SI/GUCCS conference</conf-name>
  <conf-loc>Denver, Colorado, United States</conf-loc>
  <conf-sponsor>ACM, Assoc. for Computing Machinery</conf-sponsor>
  <conf-theme>User services conference for university and college 
   computing service organizations</conf-theme>
  <count count-type="contributors" count="3"/>
  <fig-count count="5"/>
  <table-count count="3"/>
  <equation-count count="10"/>
  <ref-count count="26"/>
  <page-count count="6"/>
  <word-count count="2847"/>