%doc-back-matter-mix; Document Back Matter Elements
Elements used inside the back matter (element <back>) of an article to describe ancillary material such as an appendix.
Historical Note
This parameter entity
(%doc-back-matter-mix;) was significantly remodeled
from previous versions of this Tag Set. The current NISO JATS values are backward
with the last NLM version, but not with earlier versions. Specifically, in prior versions
the %doc-back-matter-mix; parameter entity included the
%sec-level; parameter entity, which has been
replaced by the %sec.class; parameter entity.
This change has no effect on compatibility unless the Tag Set has been customized
though the use of the parameter entity.
<!ENTITY % doc-back-matter-mix "%back.class; | %front-back.class; | %sec.class;" >
Expanded Declaration
ack | app-group | bio | fn-group | glossary | ref-list | notes | sec