lang-grouping Language Grouping Flag

A flag to indicate that this document uses the @lang-group attribute and associated multi-language attributes to group and describe multiple language content.
OPTIONAL on element: <processing-meta>
Value Meaning
no This document does not mark multi-lingual content using the @lang-group attribute.
yes This document is written in more than one language and uses the @lang-group attribute mechanism to link related material in different languages together.
Restriction @lang-grouping is an optional attribute; there is no default.
Tagged Sample

2 Variant figures, with elem.ref="elem-content-language"/>

<article dtd-version="1.4" xml:lang="en">
<processing-meta lang-grouping="yes"/>
<fig id="f0001" lang-group="f0001"  
  xml:lang="es" lang-variant="original" 
  lang-source="author" lang-focus="primary"
  position="float" fig-type="scatter-graph" >
  <caption><p>Evolución de la tasa de repetición en  
  todas las secuencias</p></caption>

<fig id="f0002" lang-group="f0001"
  xml:lang="en" lang-variant="translation" 
  lang-source="translator" lang-focus="secondary"
  position="float" fig-type="scatter-graph" >
  <caption><p>Evolution of the repetition rate in all sequences</p></caption>
