<award-id> Award Identifier

Unique identifier assigned to an award, contract, or grant.


When there is more than one grant or award identifier from different organizations, each separate funder should be tagged in a separate <award-group>.
<award-id> is an External Identifier
The <award-id> element holds a real-world external identifier, assigned to a contract, grant, stipend, or other award by the awarding agency. The contents of this element should not be confused with the @id attribute, which holds an internal document identifier that can be used by software to perform a simple link inside the document.

Actionable Identifiers

Some JATS guidelines, including JATS4R, would like to treat the <award-id> as a short API-actionable unique identifier. Examples of such identifiers (taken from PubMed Central) include:
  • <award-id>U1605212</award-id>
  • <award-id>173346</award-id>
  • <award-id>340-14</award-id>
  • <award-id>340-14</award-id>
  • <award-id>HR0011-16-C-0028</award-id>
  • <award-id>AGL2015-68463-C2-2-P</award-id>
  • <award-id>107-2320-B-019-001-MY2</award-id>
  • <award-id>2013K1A4A3055268</award-id>
Note that these are numeric and alphanumeric examples that do not include textual phrases. Text describing an award is likely to be an award name (<award-name>Allen Distinguished Investigator Award</award-name>) or an award description (<award-desc>operating grant</award-desc>).
To keep award identifiers succinct and actionable, it may be necessary to break a long award identifier into name and description parts, for example:
      <award-id>Marie Curie Career Integration Grant PCIG11-GA-2012-322339</award-id>
would become:
      <award-name>Marie Curie Career Integration Grant</award-name>
Related Elements
Identifying grants and awards: There are (at least) three independent concepts at work in the description of a grant or an award:
  • <award-id> — An award or grant identifier. Preferably a short, machine-actionable string (such as <award-id>U1605212</award-id> or <award-id>P30DK020572<award-id>).
  • <award-name> — The natural language name of the award or grant, that is typically a phrase (such as <award-name>Marie Curie Career Integration Grant</award-name> or <award-name>Schleswig-Holstein Excellence Chair</award-name>).
  • <award-desc> — An award description holds textual material concerning an award or grant that does not fit in one of the two elements above, for example, the word “Fellowship”, “German Egyptian research long-term scholarship”, or the name of an institution or program that is not a funding source.
The award IDs, award names, and award descriptions are all connected by being in the same <award-group>.

Base Attributes


Models and Context
May be contained in
Text, numbers, or special characters, zero or more
Content Model
<!ELEMENT  award-id     (#PCDATA %award-id-elements;)*               >
Expanded Content Model


Tagged Samples
With <award-desc>
<award-group id="fund2">
   <institution-id institution-id-type="FundRef"
   <institution>National Institute of Diabetes and 
    Digestive and Kidney Diseases</institution>
 <award-desc>(Michigan Diabetes Research Center)</award-desc>
   <given-names>Martin G</given-names>
With and without Crossref Funder Registry label
Institution shown with @vocab identifying the Crossref Funder Registry and the <institution> matching the preferred Funder Registry label and one award with no Funder Registry information at all
<funding-group specific-use="crossref">
 <award-group id="nih-511">
  <funding-source country="US">
    <institution>National Institutes of Health</institution>
    <institution-id institution-id-type="doi"
  <award-id>NIH GM61374</award-id>

 <award-group id="nsf-512">
  <funding-source country="US">
    <institution>National Science Foundation</institution>
    <institution-id institution-id-type="doi"
  <award-id>NSF DBI-0317510</award-id>

 <award-group id="arda-513" award-type="contract">
  <funding-source country="US">ARDA ACQUAINT</funding-source>

 <award-group id="genentech-514" award-type="gift">
  <funding-source country="US">
    <institution>Genentech Corp.</institution>
    <institution-id institution-id-type="doi"
With Crossref Grant Identifier DOI
<award-id  award-type="grant" award-id-type="doi">10.32013/abc123</award-id>