<on-behalf-of> On Behalf of
This element holds the name of an organization, institution, or group, when a contributor
is acting as a representative of that group. The contributor is said to have written
or edited a work “on behalf of” the named group.
Tagged example of <on-behalf-of>:
<contrib> <name><surname>Jones</surname> <given-names>Janet</given-names></name> <on-behalf-of>for the <italic>Cancer research Institute</italic></on-behalf-of> <role>author</role> </contrib>
The logical parts of this on-behalf-of description are:
Contributor Name — (Bold above.) The name the contributor doing the work on behalf of someone else.
This name is required when encoding an
<on-behalf-of>, and it may be a personal name or a collaboration name. This means that, to use <on-behalf-of>, the element <contrib> should always also contain either:
- A personal name (<name> or <string-name>),
- A <collab-name>, or
- a <collab-wrap> (which contains a <collab-name>).
<on-behalf-of> Name — (Italic above.) The name of the organization or group on whose behalf the work
is being done (As text inside <on-behalf-of>).
- There should always be a name included as all or part of the text inside an <on-behalf-of>. (For example, the text “Cardiac Research Group” above or an <institution>).
- The more complete the name, the more useful, for example <on-behalf-of>Working Group of the British Cardiac Society</on-behalf-of> is more useful than on behalf of a “Working Group”.
- Display Text — There may or may not be display text (such as "for the" in the sample above) inside an <on-behalf-of>. Display text includes words such as “for”, “for the”, or “on behalf of the” that display in front of the name of the group or institution.
Content of <on-behalf-of>
Here are some well-tagged <on-behalf-of> elements,
which could occur inside a <contrib> (with a personal or collaboration
name), inside a <contrib-group> (with contributors), or inside a <collab-wrap> (with a <collab-name>). The display text (words in addition to the organization name) may or may not be
included as part of <on-behalf-of>.
<on-behalf-of>Multiple Sclerosis Collaborative Research Group</on-behalf-of> <on-behalf-of>for the Multiple Sclerosis Collaborative Research Group</on-behalf-of> <on-behalf-of>on behalf of the Multiple Sclerosis Collaborative Research Group</on-behalf-of> <on-behalf-of>Council of the British Thoracic Society</on-behalf-of> <on-behalf-of>on behalf of the Research Urology Network (RUN)</on-behalf-of> <on-behalf-of>the GLIMP collaborators</on-behalf-of> <on-behalf-of>Clinical Genetics Committee</on-behalf-of> <on-behalf-of>for the EPIMAD Registry Group</on-behalf-of> <on-behalf-of>for the Temple University COVID-19 Research Group</on-behalf-of> <on-behalf-of>on behalf of the Humanitas COVID-19 Task Force</on-behalf-of> <on-behalf-of>Amer Soc Missiology</on-behalf-of>
Context of <on-behalf-of>
Although JATS cannot enforce these rules, it is recommended practice to place <on-behalf-of> as follows:
- Inside a <contrib>, when the <on-behalf-of> applies only to the named contributor;
- Inside a <contrib-group>, when the <on-behalf-of> applies to the entire group of contributors (rather than to just one of the contributors); or
- Inside a <collab-wrap>, when the <on-behalf-of> applies only to the collaboration named in <collab-name>.
<on-behalf-of> Does Not Replace Affiliation
A contributor writing on behalf of an organization should also have a separate, typically
different, affiliation. For example, a physician affiliated with Johns Hopkins Hospital
writing on behalf of the National Cancer Institute would be tagged as:
<on-behalf-of>National Cancer Institute</on-behalf-of>
and the physician’s affiliation would be tagged as usual as:
<aff>Johns Hopkins Hospital</aff>
Multi-lang Attributes
Models and Context
Any combination of:
- Text, numbers, or special characters
- Emphasis Elements
- Baseline Change Elements
- <institution> Institution Name: in an Address
- <institution-wrap> Institution Wrapper
- Internal Linking Elements
Content Model
<!ELEMENT on-behalf-of (#PCDATA %on-behalf-of-elements;)* >
Expanded Content Model
(#PCDATA | bold | fixed-case | italic | monospace | overline | roman | sans-serif | sc | strike | underline | ruby | sub | sup | institution | institution-wrap | fn | target | xref)*
Tagged Sample
Author information
<contrib contrib-type="author">
<role>research physiotherapist</role>
<on-behalf-of>Multiple Sclerosis Collaborative
Research Group</on-behalf-of>
<aff id="StLukes">Department of Health
Care for the Elderly, St Luke’s Hospital,
Bradford BD5 0NA</aff>