<statement> Statement, Formal

Theorem, Lemma, Proof, Postulate, Hypothesis, Proposition, Corollary, or other formal statement, identified as such with a label and usually made typographically distinct from the surrounding text.

Base Attributes

Models and Context
May be contained in
The following, in order:
Content Model
<!ELEMENT  statement    %statement-model;                            >
Expanded Content Model
(label?, title?, (p | statement)+, (attrib |
Tagged Sample

Hypothesis in <statement>

<article dtd-version="1.4">
  <p>Industrial buyers categorise foreign countries
   according to their level of technological achievement
   and subsequently differentiate their perceptions of
   these countries accordingly ... The following
   hypothesis is posited:
    <label>Hypothesis 1</label>
    <p>Buyer preferences for companies are influenced 
     by factors extrinsic to the firm attributable to, 
     and determined by, country-of-origin effects.</p>
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