Schema Namespace Declaration parameter entitysee %Schema.xmlns.attrib;
schemesee <fig>
schoolsee <institution>
scientific namesee <named-content>
Scope is Simpler Than Axes Attribute For Common Tables parameter entitysee %scope.attrib;
Season Attributes parameter entitysee %season-atts;
second volume numbersee <volume-issue-group>
sectionsee @sec-type
section, reference tosee @ref-type
section abstractuse <abstract>
Section Attributes parameter entitysee %sec-atts;
Section Back Matter Class Elements parameter entitysee %sec-back.class;
Section Back Matter Class parameter entitysee %sec-back.class;
Section Back Matter Elements parameter entitysee %sec-back-matter-mix;
Section Class Elements parameter entitysee %sec.class;
Section Elements Module parameter entitysee %section.ent;
Section-Level Elements parameter entitysee %sec-level;
Self-URI Attributes parameter entitysee %self-uri-atts;
Self URI Attributes parameter entitysee %self-uri-atts;
Self-URI Elements parameter entitysee %self-uri-elements;
semantic contentsee @sec-type
semanticssee @list-content
sequencesee <list>
sequence numberuse @seq
serial front mattersee <journal-meta>
Series Attributes parameter entitysee %series-atts;
Series Elements parameter entitysee %series-elements;
Series Text: Header Text to Describe
Series Text Attributes parameter entitysee %series-text-atts;
Series Text Elements parameter entitysee %series-text-elements;
Series Title Attributes parameter entitysee %series-title-atts;
Series Title Elements parameter entitysee %series-title-elements;
Set Up MathML Prefix parameter entitysee %MATHML.pfx;
Setup Module parameter entity for MathML 3.0see %mathml3-mathmlsetup.ent;
short captionsee <alt-text>
short form journal titleuse <abbrev-journal-title>
short titlesee <alt-title>
SICIuse <article-id>
sidebaruse <boxed-text>
sidebar, reference tosee @ref-type
Signature Attributes parameter entitysee %sig-atts;
Signature Block Attributes parameter entitysee %sig-block-atts;
Signature Block Elements parameter entitysee %sig-block-elements;
Signature Elements parameter entitysee %sig-elements;
Simple Display Class Elements parameter entitysee %simple-display.class;
Simple Display Elements parameter entitysee %simple-display-noalt.class;
Simple Links/Cross-References Class Elements parameter entitysee %simple-link.class;
simple listsee @list-type
Simple MathML Class parameter entitysee %simple-math.class;
Simple Phrase-Level Textual Elements parameter entitysee %simple-phrase;
simple tableuse <array>
Simple Table Display Class Elements parameter entitysee %simple-intable-display.class;
Simple Textual Content parameter entitysee %simple-text;
singlesee @underline-style
site of the conferenceuse <conf-loc>
sizesee @units
Size Attributes parameter entitysee %size-atts;
Size Elements parameter entitysee %size-elements;
size in citationssee Length and Size
slanted emphasisuse <italic>
slogansee <conf-theme>
Small Accessibility Class Elements
sobriquetuse <prefix>
software reviewsee Tagging Book or Product Reviews
software versionuse <version>
songuse <verse-group>
sourcesee <attrib>see <source>see @source-id
Source Attributes parameter entitysee %source-atts;
Source Elements parameter entitysee %source-elements;
source referencesee <ext-link>
source typesee @source-id-type
spansee @colspan
span namesee @colspan
span specificationsee @colspansee @rowspan
Speaker Attributes parameter entitysee %speaker-atts;
Speaker Elements parameter entitysee %speaker-elements;
Special Characters Declarations Module parameter entitysee %xmlspecchars.ent;
special issueuse <issue-title>
Speech Attributes parameter entitysee %speech-atts;
Speech Model parameter entitysee %speech-model;
sponsorsee <conf-sponsor>use <funding-source>
sponsor informationsee <funding-group>
springuse <season>
Srsee <suffix>
stackuse @arrange
staggeruse @arrange
standard address numbersee <addr-line>
Standard Elements parameter entitysee %std-elements;
Standards Attributes parameter entitysee %std-atts;
standards bodyuse <std-organization>
Standards Class parameter entitysee %std.class;
Standards Organization Attributes parameter entitysee %std-organization-atts;
Standards Organization Elements parameter entitysee %std-organization-elements;
standfirstsee @abstract-type
stanzasee <verse-group>
stanza linesee <verse-line>
start pagesee @page
start page numbersee <fpage>
statesee <addr-line>
%state-elements; State Elements
statement, copyrightuse <copyright-statement>
Statement, Formal Attributes parameter entitysee %statement-atts;
Statement, Formal Model parameter entitysee %statement-model;
statement, mathematicalsee <statement>
Statement Attributes parameter entitysee %statement-atts;
stereochemical abstractuse <abstract>
street addressuse <addr-line>
String Conference Name Elements parameter entitysee %string-conf-elements;
String Date Attributes parameter entitysee %string-date-atts;
%string-date.class; String Date Class
String Date Elements parameter entitysee %string-date-elements;
string keywordsuse String Keywords
String Name Elements parameter entitysee %string-name-elements;
struck outuse <strike>
Style (NISO JATS table model; MathML Tag Set)
style, listsee @list-type
Style Attribute (NISO JATS table model) parameter entitysee %style.attrib;
Styled Content Attributes parameter entitysee %styled-content-atts;
Styled Content Class Elements parameter entitysee %styled-content.class;
Styled Content Elements parameter entitysee %styled-content-elements;
Styled Special (Subject) Content
style of abstractuse @abstract-type
sub-articlesee <front-stub>
sub articleuse <sub-article>
Sub-Article Attributes parameter entitysee %sub-article-atts;
Sub-article Model parameter entitysee %sub-article-model;
sub-articlessee Tagging Sub-articles
subcategoriessee <article-categories>
subjectsee @content-typesee @subj-group-type
subject, compoundsee <compound-subject>see <compound-subject-part>
Subject Attributes parameter entitysee %subject-atts;
Subject Group Attributes parameter entitysee %subj-group-atts;
Subject Grouping Name Elements parameter entitysee %subject-elements;
Subject Group Model parameter entitysee %subj-group-model;
subject heading groupsee <article-categories>
subject mattersee <subj-group>
subjectssee <article-categories>see @sec-type
subject termsee <kwd>see <subject>
submitted datesee @date-type
subordinate namesee <subtitle>
subscriptsee @arrange
subsectionuse <sec>
subsidiarysee <institution>
subtitlesee <journal-subtitle>
Subtitle Attributes parameter entitysee %subtitle-atts;
%subtitle-elements; Subtitle Elements
Suffix Attributes parameter entitysee %suffix-atts;
Suffix Elements parameter entitysee %suffix-elements;
summarysee <abstract>see <long-desc>
Summary (NISO JATS table model)
summeruse <season>
superioruse <sup>
superscriptsee @arrange
Supplementary Information Attributes parameter entitysee %supplementary-material-atts;
supplementary materialsee <inline-supplementary-material>see @mimetypesee @sec-type
Supplementary Material Attributes parameter entitysee %supplementary-material-atts;
Supplementary Material Metadata
Supplementary Material Model parameter entitysee %supplementary-material-model;
Supplement Attributes parameter entitysee %supplement-atts;
Supplement Elements parameter entitysee %supplement-elements;
supporting materialsee <back>
supporting material (integral)see <app>see <app-group>
supportive materialuse <supplementary-material>
Surname Attributes parameter entitysee %surname-atts;
Surname Elements parameter entitysee %surname-elements;
surname initialsuse @initials
symbolsee <inline-graphic>
synopsissee <abstract>see @abstract-type
systemsee @pub-id-type