
Article Metadata Model

Full content model for the metadata that is specific to the article (<article-meta>)


This element includes both metadata that directly describes the article (such as the article title, abstract, or article ID), as well as the any issue metadata (such as the issue number and title of the issue) concerning the journal issue in which the article was published.
Design Note: Some journal tag sets identify three types of article metadata
  • Metadata specific to the article itself;
  • Metadata concerning the journal in which the article was published; and
  • Metadata concerning the issue of that journal that contains the article.
In this Tag Set, the issue metadata and the article metadata has been modeled as part of the <article-meta> element and the journal metadata has been modeled as the <journal-meta> element. This two-part division reflects the growing trend away from issues in the online world, while still allowing issue metadata to be preserved when it is present.


<!ENTITY % article-meta-model
                        "(article-id*, article-categories?,
                         (%contrib-group.class; |
                          %aff-alternatives.class; | %x.class;)*,
                         author-notes?, pub-date*,
                         volume*, volume-id*, volume-series?,
                         issue*, issue-id*, issue-title*,
                         issue-sponsor*, issue-part?, 
                         volume-issue-group*, isbn*,
                         ( ( (fpage, lpage?)?, page-range?) |
                           elocation-id )?,
                         (%address-link.class; | product |
                         history?, permissions?, self-uri*,
                         (%abstract.class;)*, trans-abstract*, 
                         (%kwd-group.class;)*, funding-group*,
                         conference*, counts?, custom-meta-group?)"  >

Expanded Model

(article-id*, article-categories?, title-group?, (contrib-group | aff | aff-alternatives | x)*, author-notes?, pub-date*, volume*, volume-id*, volume-series?, issue*, issue-id*, issue-title*, issue-sponsor*, issue-part?, volume-issue-group*, isbn*, supplement?, ( ( (fpage, lpage?)?, page-range?) | elocation-id )?, (email | ext-link | uri | product | supplementary-material)*, history?, permissions?, self-uri*, (related-article | related-object)*, (abstract)*, trans-abstract*, (kwd-group)*, funding-group*, conference*, counts?, custom-meta-group?)