
Front Matter

Container element for the metadata of an article and the journal in which it was published.


In some journal tag sets, this information is called the “header information” or “journal header”. Such a header usually includes the metadata concerning the journal itself (in this Tag Set tagged as <journal-meta>), as well as metadata concerning the issue of the journal and the individual article (which in this Tag Set are both found in the element <article-meta>).

Related Elements

A journal article <article> may be divided into several components:
  1. the <front> (the metadata or header information, which contains both journal metadata [<journal-meta>] and article metadata [<article-meta>]);
  2. the <body> (the textual and graphical content of the article);
  3. any <back> (any ancillary information such as a glossary, reference list, or appendix);
  4. a <floats-group> (single container element some publishers and archives use to hold all floating elements such as figures and tables that are referenced in the article body or back matter); and
  5. either a series of <response> elements or a series of <sub-article> elements. (A <response> is a commentary on the article itself, such as a summation by an editor, an answer to a letter-article, or words from the author responding to peer-review comments. Sub-articles are articles such as news pieces, abstracts, or committee reports that are completely contained within a main article.)


Content Model

<!ELEMENT  front        %front-model;                                >

Expanded Content Model

(journal-meta?, article-meta, (def-list | list | ack | bio | fn-group | glossary | notes)*)


This element may be contained in:


<article dtd-version="1.1d3">
<article-title>Systematic review of day hospital care
for elderly people</article-title>
<contrib contrib-type="author">
<role>research physiotherapist</role>
<aff>Department of Health Care for the Elderly,
St Luke&#x2019;s Hospital, Bradford BD5 0NA</aff>
<p>Competing interests: None declared.</p>
<copyright-statement>Copyright &#x00A9; 1999, British Medical