Conference Information
Container element to contain information about a single conference and its proceedings.
Best Practice: There are two ways to use <string-conf>. Best practice, for Archives and Publishers that can work it into their processing, is to identify a conference as completely as possible using the individual conference elements (<conf-name>, <conf-sponsor>, <conf-date>, etc.) and to use <string-conf> only in the rare cases where documentation such as the proceedings volume or a program suggests a fuller title. Although there is nothing in this Tag Set to prevent an archive or publisher from using only <string-conf> and not tagging the conference name, year, etc. separately, this is not recommended.
Design Note: This element and all the contained conference elements were largely based on the original elements from the CrossRef schema.
Content Model
<!ELEMENT conference %conference-model; >
Expanded Content Model
(conf-date | conf-name | conf-num | conf-loc | conf-sponsor | conf-theme | conf-acronym | string-conf | x)*
Any combination of:
This element may be contained in:
<conf-date iso-8601-date="1999">1999</conf-date>
<conf-name>The 27th annual ACM SI/GUCCS
<conf-loc>Denver, Colorado, United States</conf-loc>
<conf-sponsor>ACM, Assoc. for Computing
<conf-theme>User services conference for
university and college computing service