Quote, Displayed
Extract or extended quoted passage from another work, usually made typographically
distinct from surrounding text.
Best Practice: Use this element for epigraphs, as well as for block quotes and extracts within text.
Content Model
<!ELEMENT disp-quote %disp-quote-model; >
Expanded Content Model
(label?, title?, (address | alternatives | array | boxed-text | chem-struct-wrap | code | fig | fig-group | graphic | media | preformat | supplementary-material | table-wrap | table-wrap-group | disp-formula | disp-formula-group | def-list | list | tex-math | mml:math | p | related-article | related-object | ack | disp-quote | speech | statement | verse-group | x)*, (attrib | permissions)*)
The following, in order:
- <label> Label (of an Equation, Figure, Reference, etc.), zero or one
- <title> Title, zero or one
- Any combination of:
- Paragraph-level Display Elements
- <address> Address/Contact Information
- <array> Array (Simple Tabulation)
- <boxed-text> Boxed Text
- <chem-struct-wrap> Chemical Structure Wrapper
- <code> Code
- <fig> Figure
- <fig-group> Figure Group
- <graphic> Graphic
- <media> Media Object
- <preformat> Preformatted Text
- <supplementary-material> Supplementary Material Metadata
- <table-wrap> Table Wrapper
- <table-wrap-group> Table Wrapper Group
- <alternatives> Alternatives For Processing
- <disp-formula> Formula, Display
- <disp-formula-group> Formula, Display Group
- Lists
- Math Elements
- <p> Paragraph
- Related Material Elements
- <ack> Acknowledgments
- <disp-quote> Quote, Displayed
- <speech> Speech
- <statement> Statement, Formal
- <verse-group> Verse Form for Poetry
- <x> X - Generated Text and Punctuation
- Paragraph-level Display Elements
- Any combination of:
- Ownership Elements
This element may be contained in:
Example 1
<p>Dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a
stinking savor; so doth a little folly him that is in reputation
for wisdom and honour.</p>
<attrib>Ecclesiastes 10:1</attrib>
<p>The term “flies in the ointment” is occasionally used
to describe minor defects in some endeavor. But this quote from
Ecclesiastes has a much wider scope ...</p>
Example 2
<preformat>... who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscover’d country from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?</preformat>
<attrib>William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act III,
Scene IV</attrib>
<p>Shakespeare well understood the underpinning of
our society’s tenacious need to cling to life:
the fear of death, the fear of the unknown. Yes, we
acknowledge death is part of nature’s cycle,
but even as we do so, we struggle ...</p>