valign Vertical Alignment (OASIS Table Model)

Specifies the vertical position of data within the associated element (such as <oasis:entry>), for example, flush to the top of the cell


The official OASIS Exchange (CALS) Table Model documentation can be found at
OPTIONAL on many elements; click for list and usage
Value Meaning Behavior
bottom Bottom of the entry The processing system should interpret this as meaning the text in the entry should be “stacked” from the bottom of the entry.
middle Middle of the entry The processing system should interpret this as meaning the text in the entry should be centered top-to-bottom in the entry.
top Top of the entry The processing system should interpret this as meaning the text in the entry should be “stacked” from the top of the entry.
Restriction Inherited from closest ancestor to provide this information; <oasis:row> if available, or either <oasis:thead> or <oasis:tbody> as available.
Tagged Sample

Table header and content cells are centered top-to-bottom

<oasis:tgroup cols="7">
<oasis:colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" align="center" colsep="1"/>
<oasis:colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" align="center" colsep="1"/>
<oasis:colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" align="center" colsep="1"/>
<oasis:colspec colnum="4" colname="col4" align="center" colsep="1"/>
<oasis:colspec colnum="5" colname="col5" align="center" colsep="1" colwidth="2"/>
<oasis:colspec colnum="6" colname="col6" align="center" colsep="1"/>
<oasis:colspec colnum="7" colname="col7" align="char" charoff="30" char="."/>
<oasis:thead valign="middle">
<oasis:entry morerows="1"></oasis:entry>
<oasis:entry namest="col2" nameend="col4" align="center"
morerows="1">Institutional care</oasis:entry>
<oasis:entry morerows="1"></oasis:entry>
<oasis:entry namest="col6" nameend="col7" align="center"
morerows="1">&#x2003;Bed use (days)</oasis:entry>
<oasis:tbody valign="middle">...</oasis:tbody>