
Object Identifier

Unique identifier (such as a DOI or URI) for a component within an article (for example, for a figure or a table).


Such an identifier may be created by a publisher or archive, and there is no requirement that identifiers be unique.
Design Note: An element, rather than an attribute, was chosen as the means to capture DOIs and other identifiers so multiple identifiers could be retained.
Type Attribute Best Practice
Type of Identifier Best Practice: Best Practice is to use the @pub-id-type attribute to indicate the type of the external identifier, such as a publisher’s identifier, a DOI, a PMID, an aggregator’s or archive’s identifier, the identifier assigned by an indexing or hosting service, or similar. (See @pub-id-type for values.)
Authority for Identifier Best Practice: The attribute @assigning-authority should name the organization or system that assigned the identifier or administers the identifier (such as Crossref, OCLC, GenBank, Figshare).
Historical Note: Until JATS version 1.2d2 (2018), the @pub-id-type’s value conflated two meanings: the attribute could hold the type of identifier (such as a DOI or ISBN), or it could hold the name of the organization or system that defined or registered the identifier (such as Crossref). There was no way to state both that the identifier content of the element was a DOI and that the server was Figshare or Crossref. Although all the previous @pub-id-type values will continue to be accepted, for Best Practice, the @assigning-authority should name an organization and the @pub-id-type attribute should describe the identifier type.
Publication Identifier versus Object Identifier: This Tag Set includes two elements which may be used to record a DOI as an identifier: <object-id> and <pub-id>. The <object-id> is used to identify parts of an article, for example, a particular section, a figure, a table, or even a specific citation (as an entity) in the article’s bibliographic reference list. The <pub-id> element is used inside a citation to identify a cited publication. Consequently, a bibliographic reference (<element-citation> or <mixed-citation>) could contain both the <object-id> element (with the DOI for that citation) and the <pub-id> element (with the DOI for the journal being referenced in the citation) as shown in an example below.
External Identifier: The <object-id> element holds an external identifier, typically assigned to an object such as a table by a publisher. The contents of this element should not be confused with the @id attribute, which holds an internal document identifier that can be used by software to preform a simple link inside the document.


Content Model

<!ELEMENT  object-id    (#PCDATA)                                    >


Text, numbers, or special characters

This element may be contained in:

Example 1

For a media object:
<media id="v1" mime-subtype="avi" mimetype="video" orientation="portrait" 
position="anchor" specific-use="original-format" xlink:href="v1">
<object-id pub-id-type="doi" specific-use="metadata">10.1063/1.4807071.1</object-id>

Example 2

Media object example in context:
<fig id="f1" orientation="portrait" position="float">
<label>FIG. 1.</label>
<p>(a) Schematic of the working principles of HFM, (b) a typical application
scheme for an electric bias in HFM, (c) regulation the conformations and
dynamics (trapping, concentration, and sudden stretching) of λ-DNA molecules
in HFM, and (d) schematic of the trapping location regulation (enhanced online).
[URL: <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4762852.1">
<media id="v1" mime-subtype="avi" mimetype="video" orientation="portrait"
position="anchor" specific-use="original-format" xlink:href="v1">
<object-id pub-id-type="doi" specific-use="metadata">10.1063/1.4762852.1</object-id>
<graphic orientation="portrait" position="float" xlink:href="f1"/>
<graphic id="f1a" orientation="portrait" position="float" xlink:href="dummy1.png"/>
<graphic id="f1b" orientation="portrait" position="float" xlink:href="dummy2.png"/>
<graphic id="f1c" orientation="portrait" position="float" xlink:href="dummy3.png"/>
<graphic id="f1d" orientation="portrait" position="float" xlink:href="dummy4.png"/>

Example 3

A bibliographic citation containing an <object-id> element (with the DOI for the citation) and a <pub-id> element (with the DOI for the journal being referenced in the citation):
<article dtd-version="1.3d1">
<article-id pub-id-type="doi">MyPub.20070215.03154</article-id>
<ref id="B6">
<object-id pub-id-type="doi">
<ref id="B7">
<object-id pub-id-type="doi">
<person-group person-group-type="author"> 
<article-title>Infant Botulism</article-title> 
<source>J Perinatol.</source>
<year iso-8601-date="2007">2007</year> 
<pub-id pub-id-type="pmid">17314986</pub-id> 
<pub-id pub-id-type="doi">10.1038/sj.jp.7211651</pub-id> 
<ref id="B8">
<object-id pub-id-type="doi">
<ref id="B9">
<object-id pub-id-type="doi">