Version Statement
A full version statement, which may be only a number, for data or software that is
cited or described.
Version Statement Content: The content of this element may be a simple version number (such as
“<version>16</version>” or
“<version>XII</version>”). More complex version statements may
contain a textual statement (“Fifth PC version, patches 2-3”), dates
that the dataset covers, the version number as an ordinal (“3rd” or
“3rd version”), or superscripted ordinals
(“4<sup>th</sup>” or
“10<sup>th</sup> version”). Whether or not the content is more than a simple number, the @designator attribute of this element can be used to hold the simple numerical or alphabetic
version number, if there is such a number (<version designator="16.2">16th version, second release</version>).
This element is not a generic, all purpose version number; its use is limited to inside citing elements
<element-citation>, <mixed-citation>, <product>, <related-article>, and <related-object>.
Other version numbers that may be recorded in this tag set:
- For the version of the Tag Set being used in this document, use the @dtd-version attribute on the <article> element.
- For a version number of the article, use the <article-version> element.
- The @version attribute is limited to naming the version of the TeX or LaTeX specification used in the <tex-math> element.
- For the version of a programming language code fragment, schema, or markup example, use the @code-version attribute on the element <code>. (Note: This is the version of the coded fragment itself.)
- The version of the language in which a <code> fragment was written is recorded in the @language-version attribute.
Content Model
<!ELEMENT version (#PCDATA %version-elements;)* >
Expanded Content Model
(#PCDATA | sub | sup)*
Any combination of:
- Text, numbers, or special characters
- Baseline Change Elements
This element may be contained in:
No sample is available at this time.