
Equal Contribution

Indicates whether or not all contributors contributed equally.


If the contributor whom this attribute modifies contributed equally with all other contributors, this attribute should be set to “yes”; if his/her contribution was greater or lesser, then this attribute should be set to “no”.

Used on Element: <contrib>

noThis contributor did not participate equally with all other contributors.
yesThis contributor participated equally with all other contributors.
Restriction@equal-contrib is an optional attribute; there is no default.


<contrib contrib-type="author">
<name><surname initials="L">Lawrence</surname>
<given-names initials="SP">Sharon Peniston</given-names>
<contrib contrib-type="author" equal-contrib="no">
<name><surname initials="M">Miller</surname>
<given-names initials="DB">Donna Bunch</given-names>