Used in an embedded index entry to hold preferred terms that make “See” references in a generated index.
Best Practice:The primary (useful) content of a <see> element is one or more <index-term> elements to which the user is being directed. Thus a typical embedded See reference would contain only an <index-term>, with words such as “See” (or similar) generated by a display application. Many other elements are allowed within a <see> element for those rare cases where additional narrative explanation of the index-term is provided.
Content Model
<!ELEMENT see (#PCDATA %see-elements;)* >
Expanded Content Model
(#PCDATA | email | ext-link | uri | bold | fixed-case | italic | monospace | overline | roman | sans-serif | sc | strike | underline | ruby | alternatives | inline-graphic | inline-media | chem-struct | inline-formula | mml:math | abbrev | index-term | index-term-range-end | named-content | styled-content | fn | target | xref | sub | sup | disp-formula | disp-formula-group | array | code | graphic | media | preformat)*
Any combination of:
- Text, numbers, or special characters
- Linking Elements
- Emphasis Elements
- <alternatives> Alternatives For Processing
- Inline Display Elements
- Inline Math Elements
- Other Inline Elements
- Internal Linking Elements
- Baseline Change Elements
- <disp-formula> Formula, Display
- <disp-formula-group> Formula, Display Group
- <array> Array (Simple Tabulation)
- <code> Code
- <graphic> Graphic
- <media> Media Object
- <preformat> Preformatted Text
This element may be contained in:
Example 1
Directs the reader to an alternate term:
<sec id="sec10-3-3">
<title>Interstate Compacts<index-term id="idx313"><term>Interstate
<see><index-term><term>States, Agreements with other States</term>
<p>For many years after the Constitution was adopted, boundary
disputes continued to predominate as the subject matter of agreements
among the States. Since the turn of the twentieth century, however, the
interstate compact has been used to an increasing extent as an instrument
for state cooperation ...</p>
Example 2
Points the user to an alternate term (See) and some related terms (See Also):
<p>Fu attribuito prevalentemente ad
Aristotele<index-term index-type="person" id="idx108">
</index-term>, anche se l’origine avicenniana era
tramandata dalle sottoscrizioni di parecchi manoscritti e nota a commentatori
come ad esempio Adamo di Bockenfield<index-term index-type="person" id="idx903">
>Adamo di Bockenfield</term>
<see-also><index-term><term>Adam de Bocfeld</term>
<see-also><index-term><term>Adam Bockenfield</term>