Media Object
Description of and pointer to an external file that holds a media object (for example, an animation, a movie).
The “content” of the <media> element is not the media object itself, but information concerning the object. The external file that contains the object is named by the @xlink:href attribute.
Position: Although, in theory, the @position attribute of this element may be used to indicate whether this element must be anchored at its exact
location within the text or whether it may float, it is usually good practice to anchor media objects. For media objects inside figures, tables, etc., the object should be anchored, although the outer structure (figure, boxed text) may be allowed to float.
Usage: Display component elements, such as <alt-text>, should always be used at the highest possible level; in other words, if a <media> element is inside a <fig>, the <alt-text>, <long-desc>, <attrib>, etc., should be part of the <fig>, not part of the <media>. Use a <alt-text> (or similar display component elements) on a <media> only when the media object is not enclosed in any other structure or when a figure contains multiple media objects, each of which must have its own <alt-text>. For similar reasons, the @position attribute should be set to “anchor” for a <media> element that is inside a larger display container such as a <fig>.
Content Model
<!ELEMENT media %media-model; >
Expanded Content Model
((object-id)?, (alt-text | long-desc)*, (attrib?, permissions?)*)
The following, in order:
- <object-id> Object Identifier, zero or one
- Any combination of:
- Accessibility Elements
- Zero or more occurrences of the following, in order:
- Ownership Elements
- <attrib> Attribution, zero or one
- <permissions> Permissions, zero or one
- Ownership Elements
This element may be contained in:
Video object with DOI:
<media id="v1" mime-subtype="avi" mimetype="video" orientation="portrait"
position="anchor" specific-use="original-format" xlink:href="v1">
<object-id pub-id-type="doi" specific-use="metadata">10.1063/1.4807071.1</object-id>