Inline Media Object
Description of and pointer to an external file that holds an inline media object (for example, a pronunciation file for a word or character).
The element <inline-media> relates to the <media> element as the <inline-graphic> element relates to <inline-graphic>.
The “content” of the <inline-media> element is not the media object itself, but information concerning the object and a pointer to the object. The external file that contains the object is named by the @xlink:href attribute.
Content Model
<!ELEMENT inline-media (#PCDATA %inline-media-elements;)* >
Expanded Content Model
(#PCDATA | alt-text | long-desc | email | ext-link | uri | bold | fixed-case | italic | monospace | overline | roman | sans-serif | sc | strike | underline | ruby | named-content | styled-content | sub | sup)*
Any combination of:
- Text, numbers, or special characters
- Accessibility Elements
- Linking Elements
- Emphasis Elements
- <named-content> Named Special (Subject) Content
- <styled-content> Styled Special (Subject) Content
- Baseline Change Elements
This element may be contained in:
<alternatives>, <article-title>, <attrib>, <bold>, <chapter-title>, <code>, <comment>, <compound-kwd-part>, <conf-theme>, <data-title>, <def-head>, <disp-formula>, <element-citation>, <fixed-case>, <inline-formula>, <italic>, <license-p>, <mixed-citation>, <monospace>, <named-content>, <overline>, <p>, <part-title>, <product>, <roman>, <sans-serif>, <sc>, <see>, <see-also>, <source>, <std>, <strike>, <styled-content>, <sub>, <subtitle>, <sup>, <supplement>, <support-source>, <td>, <term>, <term-head>, <textual-form>, <th>, <title>, <trans-source>, <trans-title>, <underline>, <verse-line>
To provide a link to pronunciation:
<p>Again she called on <inline-media id="celtic-name-hafgan"
content-type="pronunciation" mimetype="audio" mime-subtype="mp3"
vocab="CSANA Pronunciations for Celtic Texts"
Hafgan</inline-media>, to see if he would ...</p>