Contributed Resource Group
Container element for information concerning non-financial
support for the research reported in the work (typically an
article). Such support may include facilities, computer resources, data acquisition or
donation, and other non-monetary support (including in-kind
Content Model
<!ELEMENT contributed-resource-group %contributed-resource-group-model; >
Expanded Content Model
(award-group*, support-description*, resource-group*)
The following, in order:
- <award-group> Award Group, zero or more
- <support-description> Support Description, zero or more
- <resource-group> Resource Group, zero or more
This element may be contained in:
Example 1
The Contributed Resource Group contains an Award Group and support
description describing the
non-monetary award:
<contributed-resource-group resource-type="user-facility">
<award-group award-type="approved-proposal">
<institution>Spallation Neutron Source</institution>
<institution>Oak Ridge National Laboratory</institution>
<institution-id institution-id-type="doi"
<award-id>SPS 12345</award-id>
<string-name><prefix>Dr.</prefix> <given-names>Albert</given-names>
<contrib-id contrib-id-type="orcid" authenticated="true"
<p>Beam time and computing resources</p>
Example 2
The Contributed Resource Group names the non-monetary resources contributed:
<resource-name>Slc9a4 (C05) tm1b Mus musculus</resource-name>
<resource-id resource-id-type="rrid"
vocab="Research Resource Identifier"