abbreviated citationssee Abbreviated Citations
abbreviationsee @term-type
Abbreviation (NISO JATS table model)
abbreviation(s)see @fn-type
abbreviation, conference namesee <conf-acronym>
abbreviation, journal idsee <journal-id>
academic degreeuse <degrees>
academic titleuse <degrees>
accepted datesee @date-type
accepted manuscriptsee <article-version>
Access Date for Cited Work (deprecated)use <date-in-citation>
accessibilitysee <abbrev>see <alt-text>see <alt-title>see <alternatives>see <long-desc>see <table-wrap>see @altsee @scopesee @summary
accessibility onlysee @specific-use
Access License and Indicatorssee @applies_tosee @end_datesee @start_date
acronymuse <abbrev>see <conf-acronym>see @term-type
addendumsee @article-type
additional articlessee <related-article>
additional materialsee <app>use <supplementary-material>see @supplemental
additional material (integral)see <app-group>
additional readinguse <ref-list>
address of a collaborationuse <collab-wrap>
admitted termsee @term-status
affiliation, where to placesee Affiliations
aggregator journal identifiersee @journal-id-type
agreementsee <license>
ALI (Access License and Indicators)see @applies_tosee @end_datesee @start_date
ALI (Access License and Indicators) Namespace Setup Module parameter entitysee %JATS-ali-namespace.ent;
alignmentsee @alignsee @charoff
alpha order, listsee @list-type
Alternate Text Name (for a figure, etc.)
alternative namessee Multiple Versions of a Name
alternativessee <aff-alternatives>see <ali:free_to_read>see <alt-text>see <alt-title>see <citation-alternatives>see <collab-name-alternatives>see <custom-meta>see <name-alternatives>see @altsee @alt-title-type
anchorsee <target>
anchoring a figuresee @position
ancillary materialsee <app>use <supplementary-material>see @supplemental
ancillary material (integral)see <app-group>
animationsee <media>
annotation, rubysee <ruby>
announcementsee @article-type
announcersee <speaker>
Answer Option (for a question)
answers, multiple possiblesee <option>
appendicesuse <app-group>
appmuse <app-group>
Arrangement of Subscripts and Superscripts
artsee <fig>see <graphic>see <media>
Article Current Version Status or Number
article footnotesee <fn>
article headersee <article-meta>see <front>
article informationsee <article-meta>
article metadatasee <front>
article numbersee <object-id>
article sequence numbersee @seq
arXiv identifiersee <contrib-id>see @contrib-id-type
assistance, acknowledgment ofsee <ack>
audio objectsee <media>
audio object, inlinesee <inline-media>
audiovisualsee <supplementary-material>see @supplemental
authorsee <attrib>use <contrib>see @contrib-type
author biographysee <bio>
<author-comment> Author Comment
author-groupsee <contrib-group>
author identifiersee <contrib-id>see @contrib-id-type
authority, publication idsee @pub-id-type
Authority Responsible for an Identifier
author of a cited worksee Multiple Versions of a Namesee Names and String Names in Citations
authorssee <person-group>
author's originalsee <article-version>
availabilitysee <permissions>
availability of datasee Data Availability Statements
award, reference tosee @ref-type