degree-contribution Degree of Contribution
Indicates the level of contribution for this contributor, such as “Lead” or “Supporting”.
OPTIONAL on element: <role>
Value | Meaning |
Text, numbers, or special characters | The degree of contribution, for example, “Lead” or “Equal”. |
Restriction | @degree-contribution is an optional attribute; there is no default. |
Suggested usage
While the values of this attribute are unconstrained, the expected values (particularly
useful for CRediT roles) are:
The contributor was one of the lead contributors.
The contributor was one of the supporting contributors, not a lead.
The contributor was neither a lead nor a supporting contributor; all contributors
were equal.
Tagged Sample
Two contributors with level of participation
... <contrib-group> <contrib> <string-name><given-names>Barbara</given-names> <surname>Johnston</surname></string-name> <role vocab="CRediT" vocab-identifier="http://credit.niso.org//" vocab-term="Conceptualization" vocab-term-identifier= "http://credit.niso.org/contributor-roles/conceptualization/" degree-contribution="lead">study designer</role> </contrib> <contrib> <string-name><given-names>Brooke</given-names> <surname>Jackson</surname></string-name> <role vocab="CRediT" vocab-identifier="http://credit.niso.org/" vocab-term="Writing — original draft" vocab-term-identifier= "http://credit.niso.org/contributor-roles/writing-original-draft/" degree-contribution="lead">writer</role> </contrib> </contrib-group> ...