%display-atts; Display Attributes Optional ID

Attribute list for several of the display class (block display) elements, such as <table-wrap>.
<!ENTITY % display-atts
            "position   (anchor | background | float | margin)
                        (portrait | landscape)            'portrait'
                        CDATA                             #IMPLIED
             xml:lang   NMTOKEN                           #IMPLIED
             %multi-lang-atts;"                                      >
Expanded Declaration

position (anchor | background | float | margin) 'float' orientation (portrait | landscape) 'portrait' specific-use CDATA #IMPLIED xml:lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED lang-group IDREF #IMPLIED lang-translate (yes | no) #IMPLIED lang-focus (primary | secondary | undefined | custom) #IMPLIED lang-focus-custom CDATA #IMPLIED lang-source (author | editor | translator | machine | custom) #IMPLIED lang-source-custom CDATA #IMPLIED lang-variant (original | translation | interpretation | transcription | transliteration | phonetic | spoken | unknown | custom) #IMPLIED lang-variant-custom CDATA #IMPLIED