Value | Meaning |
Text, numbers, or special characters | Brief name for the type of abstract, such as “short”. |
Restriction: |
A “plain text” abstract, i.e., without special characters or equations, so the abstract can be sent in email or displayed on primitive
executive-summary |
A non-technical summation of the major findings of the article
graphical |
A pictorial representation such as a picture or a video
editor |
An abstract written by an editor, not an author
key-points |
An abstract which lists the key points made by the article
objectives |
An abstract used for Learning Objectives or article objectives
section |
An abstract containing the titles of an article’s sections; following each title, that section is summarized.
short |
An abbreviated form of the abstract, for example, for use inside a generated Table of Contents, or to be returned in addition
to the article title during a search
stereochemical |
An abstract containing only the details of a chemical compound, for example, a “stereochem” abstract
summary |
Summation of the article, typically used in conjunction with other types of abstracts
teaser |
A short abstract specifically written to create interest in the reader
toc |
A very short abstract, usually only a line or two long, that is displayed in a Table of Contents
web-summary |
Short summary intended for distribution on a website
<abstract abstract-type="short">
<p>The is the third and last part of the volume devoted to solubility
data ...</p>
Journal Archiving and Interchange Tag Library NISO JATS Draft Version 1.1d2
Version of December 2014