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<element-citation publication-type="book" publication-format="print">
<chapter-title>Tobacco use</chapter-title>
<person-group person-group-type="editor">
<source>Clinical methods: the history, physical,
and laboratory examinations</source>
<publisher-loc>Stoneham (MA)</publisher-loc>
<publisher-name>Butterworth Publishers</publisher-name>
<date-in-citation content-type="copyright-year"
<mixed-citation publication-type="book" publication-format="print">
<chapter-title>Tobacco use</chapter-title>. In:
<person-group person-group-type="editor">
<given-names>JW</given-names></string-name></person-group>, editors.
<source>Clinical methods: the history, physical,
and laboratory examinations</source>.
<publisher-loc>Stoneham (MA)</publisher-loc>:
<publisher-name>Butterworth Publishers</publisher-name>;
©<date-in-citation content-type="copyright-year"
p. <fpage>214</fpage>-<lpage>216</lpage>.</mixed-citation>
Journal Archiving and Interchange Tag Library NISO JATS Draft Version 1.1d2
Version of December 2014