<!ENTITY % graphic-atts "%jats-common-atts; %display-atts; content-type CDATA #IMPLIED mime-subtype CDATA #IMPLIED mimetype CDATA #IMPLIED %link-atts;" >
id ID #IMPLIED xml:base CDATA #IMPLIED position (anchor | background | float | margin) 'float' orientation (portrait | landscape) 'portrait' specific-use CDATA #IMPLIED xml:lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED content-type CDATA #IMPLIED mime-subtype CDATA #IMPLIED mimetype CDATA #IMPLIED xmlns:xlink CDATA #IMPLIED xlink:type (simple) #IMPLIED xlink:href CDATA #REQUIRED xlink:role CDATA #IMPLIED xlink:title CDATA #IMPLIED xlink:show (embed | new | none | other | replace) #IMPLIED xlink:actuate (none | onLoad | onRequest | other) #IMPLIED
Journal Archiving and Interchange Tag Library NISO JATS Draft Version 1.1d2
Version of December 2014