Value | Meaning |
Text, numbers, or special characters | The article type for the related article, for example, “addendum”. |
Restriction: |
addendum |
Additional material for an article, which was generated too late to be added to the main text
commentary |
Used in an article to name its associated commentary or editorial
commentary-article |
Used in a commentary or editorial to name the article on which this one is commenting
companion |
Used in an article to name a companion (related or sibling) article
corrected-article |
Used in a correction to name the article being corrected. Sometimes called “erratum”.
correction-forward |
Used in an article to name (point forward to) its associated correction (rarely used)
in-this-issue |
Names a related article in the same journal issue
letter |
Names a letter to the publication or a reply to such a letter
partial-retraction |
Retraction or disavowal of part(s) of previously published material
retracted-article |
Used in a retraction to name the article being retracted
retraction-forward |
Used in an article to name (forward) its associated retraction (rare)
<related-article related-article-type="companion" vol="2" page="e359"
xlink:title="synopsis" xlink:href="10.1371/journal.pbio.0020359">
<article-title>How to Make a Mother in Five Easy Steps</article-title>
Journal Archiving and Interchange Tag Library NISO JATS Draft Version 1.1d2
Version of December 2014