<!ELEMENT annotation %annotation-model; >
<ref id="B27">
<person-group person-group-type="author">
<article-title>Functional discovery via a compendium
of expression profiles</article-title>
<year iso-8601-date="2000">2000</year>
<p>This report is the most extensive DNA expression
profile of yeast genes. It examines the expression
pattern of the whole yeast genome in 300 mutant
strains. It infers the function of many unknown
genes comparing profiles among the different
<ref id="B27">
<given-names>AC</given-names></string-name>, et al.
<article-title>Functional discovery via a compendium
of expression profiles</article-title>.
<source>Cell</source> <year iso-8601-date="2000">2000</year>;
<volume>102</volume>: <fpage>109</fpage>–
<p>This report is the most extensive DNA expression
profile of yeast genes. It examines the expression
pattern of the whole yeast genome in 300 mutant
strains. It infers the function of many unknown
genes comparing profiles among the different
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Version of December 2014