
Book-part-level Appendix Group

Container element for a collection of book-level appendices.


This element was created to hold a book part that contains all the appendices of a book, perhaps with a title (such as “Appendices”) and a few paragraphs of introduction.
Many books do not have this grouping, they place each book appendix (<book-app>) directly into the book-level back matter (<book-back>).

Related Elements

This element is similar to (but not the same as) the JATS Appendix Group element (<app-group>). An Appendix Group (<app-group>) is part of a book part such as a chapter or a JATS article. It holds a collection of section-level appendices (<app>) and is placed into the back matter (<back>) of the chapter or article. A Book Appendix Group (<book-app-group>) holds a collection of book-part-level appendix elements (<book-app>) that relate to the entire book; this element is found in the back matter of the whole book (<book-back>) rather than within the back matter of a single book part (<back>).


Content Model

<!ELEMENT  book-app-group  
                        %book-app-group-model;                       >

Expanded Content Model

(book-part-meta?, (address | alternatives | answer | answer-set | array | boxed-text | chem-struct-wrap | code | explanation | fig | fig-group | graphic | media | name-address-wrap | preformat | question | question-wrap | question-wrap-group | supplementary-material | table-wrap | table-wrap-group | disp-formula | disp-formula-group | def-list | list | tex-math | mml:math | p | related-article | related-object | ack | disp-quote | speech | statement | verse-group | x)*, (sec)*, (book-app)+)


This element may be contained in:


<book-app id="bid.301">
<title>Appendix 1. TAXON nametypes.</title>
<sec id="bid.302">
<title>Scientific Name</title>
<p>Every node in the database is required to have ...</p>
<book-app id="bid.317">
<title>Appendix 2. Functional classes of TAXON scientific names.</title>
<book-app id="bid.331">
<title>Appendix 3. Other TAXON data types.</title>