
Copyright Year

The year of copyright.


Since the <copyright-statement> element is intended for display, this element’s contents may not be displayed (but will be available for searching). The <copyright-year> element need not be used, if having the year as part of the <copyright-statement> is sufficient. (See <copyright-statement>.)

Related Elements

There are three copyright elements which may be contained in the <permissions> grouping element:
  • <copyright-statement>, which is the textual statement of the copyright intended for print and display (The full statement usually contains the copyright holder’s name and the year among other information.);
  • <copyright-year>, a metadata element that names just the copyright year (This is intended for metadata searching and aggregation and is typically not displayed.); and
  • <copyright-holder>, also a metadata element that is typically not displayed.
This Tag Set includes several date elements. For the date of publication of a book (metadata) use the element <pub-date>. For the copyright date of a book (metadata) use the copyright year element <copyright-year>. The <date> element is be used for dates concerning a book or book part’s publication history such as the date last updated (also metadata). For the publication date of a cited work in a bibliographic reference <mixed-citation> or <element-citation>, use the individual elements <month>, <day>, and <year>. If no month or month/day construction is given within a <mixed-citation> or <element-citation>, and the only date is a season or a textual form of the date, such as “Third Quarter”, use the <season> element inside the <mixed-citation> or <element-citation> element.


Content Model

<!ELEMENT  copyright-year
                        (#PCDATA)                                    >


Text, numbers, or special characters

This element may be contained in:


<book-title><italic>C. ELEGANS</italic> II</book-title>
<publisher-name>Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press</publisher-name>
<publisher-loc>Plainview, NY</publisher-loc>
<copyright-statement>&copy; 1997 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
<copyright-holder>Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press</copyright-holder>