Custom Metadata
Wrapper element for a single piece of metadata not otherwise defined in the Tag
This element can be used as an escape-hatch to record additional metadata that a
publisher or archive wishes to preserve (so that the intellectual work to capture that
content will not be lost) even though there is no direct expression for the metadata in
the Tag Set.
The <custom-meta> element allows for an
infinite variety of name/value pairs, with few constraints on the length or content of the
value. This element will probably be used for special cases, product-specific material, or
other unusual metadata, for example, the history of changes in the name of the book with
different editions preserved in a publisher’s tag set.
Content Model
<!ELEMENT custom-meta %custom-meta-model; >
Expanded Content Model
(meta-name, meta-value)
The following, in order:
This element may be contained in:
Example 1
Recording a CrossMark identifier:
<book-page-count count="1"/>
Example 2
Recording additional information about the book, such as price, acid-free for print, and facts
about the included CDs:
... <book-meta>... <custom-meta-group> <custom-meta> <meta-name>acidfree</meta-name> <meta-value>yes</meta-value> </custom-meta> <custom-meta> <meta-name>price</meta-name> <meta-value>US $28.50</meta-value> </custom-meta> <custom-meta> <meta-name>miscinfo</meta-name> <meta-value>CDs included, Windows XP required; 1GB processor, 512 MB RAM recommended</meta-value> </custom-meta> </custom-meta-group> ...</book-meta> ...