Book Title Group
A container element for the various title elements that might be used for the book.
Content Model
<!ELEMENT book-title-group %book-title-group-model; >
Expanded Content Model
(label?, book-title?, subtitle*, trans-title-group*, alt-title*, fn-group?)
The following, in order:
- <label> Label (of an Equation, Figure, Reference, etc.), zero or one
- <book-title> Book Title, zero or one
- <subtitle> Document Subtitle, zero or more
- <trans-title-group> Translated Title Group, zero or more
- <alt-title> Alternate Title, zero or more
- <fn-group> Footnote Group, zero or one
This element may be contained in:
<book dtd-version="2.0">
<book-id book-id-type="doi">...</book-id>
<book-id book-id-type="other">endocrin</book-id>
<subtitle>An Integrated Approach</subtitle>