assigning-authority Authority Responsible for an Identifier

Names the authority (such as CrossRef, GenBank, or PDB) that assigned the identifier or is responsible for the identifier.


The attribute @assigning-authority names the organization or system that administers or is otherwise responsible for (has authority over) the identifier (such as Crossref, OCLC, GenBank, Ringgold, PDB, Figshare, ORCID, and others). The type of identifier for the element is typically recorded using a specific “-type” attribute such as @pub-id-type or @contrib-id-type.
Case in Attribute Values
Upper/lower/mixed case in attribute values for organizations and identifier types is likely to be variable and thus unreliable for search/discovery. If possible, BITS recommends a case-insensitive search for such values. For example, if the assigning authority is ORCID, many publishers use “orcid” to keep all attribute values lower case, while others use “ORCID” because that is the native language acronym. Adding to this variability are identifiers that change over time. Expect to find the organization Crossref in values as “Crossref” (the currently preferred organization name), “CrossRef” (the previously preferred organization name), or “crossref” (for publishers who prefer all lower case for attributes).
OPTIONAL on many elements; click for list and usage
Value Meaning
Text, numbers, or special characters The name of the organization assigning the identifier.
Restriction @assigning-authority is an optional attribute; there is no default. The attribute is only used when the authority is known.

Suggested usage

This attribute may take any text value, but it should name the authority, for example: (These are just examples, not intended to be a complete list.):
arXiv archive of electronic preprints
Directory of Open Access Journals
Figshare data repository
NIH genetic sequence database
Mathematical Reviews (MR)
Protein Data Bank
Tagged Samples
On an <ext-link> identifying the DOI deposit group
<p>In <italic>Developing Thin Clients Using Amphibious Epistemologies</italic> 
 (<ext-link ext-link-type="doi" xlink:href="" 
 Josiah Carberry introduced &ldquo;Entrust,&rdquo; a linear-time tool for 
 simulating architecture.</p>  
On a <pub-id> (in a citation)
<element-citation publication-type="journal" publication-format="print">
 <pub-id pub-id-type="doi"