<front-matter-part> Front Matter Part

Narrative introductory material such as an “Introduction to the Fifth Edition”, etc.


Best Practice

While this element may be used for a Preface, Foreword, or Dedication, it is better practice to tag such portions of front matter with their respective elements <preface>, <foreword>, and <dedication> respectively. The <front-matter-part> is more properly used for narrative introductory material that does not “fit” one of these more specific elements, for example, a segment named “Introduction to the Fifth Edition” or “Executive Summary”.
This is a more simplified version of a book part, being non-recursive.

Base Attributes


xmlns:mml (fixed value = http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML)
xmlns:xlink (fixed value = http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink)
xmlns:xsi (fixed value = http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)
Models and Context
May be contained in
Any one of:
Content Model
<!ELEMENT  front-matter-part
                        (%front-matter-part-model;)                  >
Expanded Content Model

((book-part-meta?, named-book-part-body?, back?))

Tagged Sample

Titled front matter section

This is a user-named front matter section rather than a named BITS front matter component such as <dedication>
<book dtd-version="2.1">  
     <title>About this book</title>
    <sec sec-type="miscinfo">
     <title>The NCBI Handbook</title>
     <p>Bioinformatics consists of a computational approach
      to biomedical information management and analysis. It is
      being used increasingly as a component of research within
      both academic and industrial settings and is becoming
      integrated into both undergraduate and postgraduate
      curricula. The new generation of biology graduates is
      emerging with experience in using bioinformatics resources
      and, in some cases, programming skills.</p>
Related Resources