<edition> Edition

The full edition statement for a document, book part, collection, event, or for a cited or referenced publication.


Content of <edition>
The content of this element may be a simple edition number (such as “<edition>3</edition>” or “<edition>A</edition>”). More complex edition statements may contain a textual statement (“Third print edition revised”), the edition number as an ordinal (“3rd” or “3rd edition”), or superscripted ordinals (“4<sup>th</sup>” “4<sup>th</sup> digital edition”). Whether or not the content is more than a simple number, the @designator attribute of this element can be used to hold the simple numerical or alphabetic edition number (<edition designator="3">3rd Edition reprinted</edition>).
Where <edition> is used
There are several positions in which a <edition> element may be used:
Related Elements
Book “versions” and book “editions” are not the same thing, and both books and book parts need the ability to name a “<version>” as well as well as an <edition> . The element <content-version> acts for books and book parts as “<article-version>” does for articles. A <content-version> for a book may contain (for example) a word or phrase from a controlled version vocabulary, an uncontrolled version status word (“draft” or “revised proof”), a version statement (“Second revised print version”), or a publisher’s version number (“B-385R5” or “ver. 2.0”).
With the recent increase in availability of early versions of books and book chapters, it is becoming more important to record, within the XML document, a status, version name, version number, lifecycle stage, or similar descriptor. Many publishers are making more than one “version” (ordinary English word) of a document available to the public, for example, making public a proof, then a corrected proof, and then the copy of record. This practice argues in favor of allowing version information as part of the metadata that travels with the XML document rather than treating it as production metadata that is stored externally. This <content-version> element was created to hold that version information. A new version need not change the edition.

Base Attributes

Models and Context
May be contained in
Any combination of:
Content Model
<!ELEMENT  edition      (#PCDATA %edition-elements;)*                >
Expanded Content Model

(#PCDATA | email | ext-link | uri | inline-supplementary-material | related-article | related-object | hr | bold | fixed-case | italic | monospace | overline | overline-start | overline-end | roman | sans-serif | sc | serif | strike | underline | underline-start | underline-end | ruby | alternatives | inline-graphic | inline-media | private-char | chem-struct | inline-formula | tex-math | mml:math | abbrev | index-term | index-term-range-end | milestone-end | milestone-start | named-content | styled-content | fn | target | xref | sub | sup | x)*

Tagged Samples
Edition statement in book metadata
  <book-title>Gray&rsquo; Anatomy</book-title>
  <subtitle>The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice</subtitle>
 <pub-date iso-8601-date="2021">
  <publisher-name>Elsevier Limited</publisher-name>
 <edition designator="42">Forty-Second Edition</edition>
  <copyright-statement>&copy;2021, Elsevier Limited.  
   All rights reserved.</copyright-statement>
  <copyright-holder>Elsevier Limited</copyright-holder>
In citations
Mixed citation
<ref id="B6">
  <collab>National Committee for Clinical Laboratory
  Standards</collab>. <source>Performance standards 
  for antimicrobial disk susceptibility tests</source>.
  <comment>Approved standard</comment>.
  <edition>7</edition><sup>th</sup> ed.
  p. <fpage>M2</fpage>&ndash;<lpage>A7</lpage>.
  <publisher-loc>Wayne, Pa</publisher-loc>:
  <publisher-name>National Committee for Clinical
  Laboratory Standards</publisher-name>;
  <year iso-8601-date="2000">2000</year>.
Element citation
<ref id="B6">
  <collab>National Committee for Clinical Laboratory
  <source>Performance standards for antimicrobial 
   disk susceptibility tests</source>
  <comment>Approved standard</comment>
  <publisher-loc>Wayne, Pa</publisher-loc>
  <publisher-name>National Committee for Clinical 
   Laboratory Standards</publisher-name>
  <year iso-8601-date="2000">2000</year>
With @designator attribute
<ref id="B6">
 <mixed-citation publication-type="std">
  <collab>National Committee for Clinical Laboratory
  Standards</collab>. <source>Performance standards for 
  antimicrobial disk susceptibility tests</source>. Approved 
  standard. <edition designator="7">7<sup>th</sup> ed.</edition>
  p. <fpage>M2</fpage>&ndash;<lpage>A7</lpage>.
  <publisher-loc>Wayne, Pa</publisher-loc>:
  <publisher-name>National Committee for Clinical Laboratory 
  Standards</publisher-name>; <year iso-8601-date="2000">2000</year>.
Related Resources
For a discussion on the use of <edition> within citations, see Ordinal Numbers.