<etal> Et Al.

Indicator of the presence of unnamed contributors. Typically indicated in print with the text “et al.” or with an ellipsis.


Many tag sets model the <etal> element as EMPTY, that is, the element has no content. Such an empty element is typically used as a placeholder, for example, to generate the text “et al.” via a stylesheet. In this Tag Set, the element is typically used as an empty element, but the Tag Set also accommodates those tag sets that expect content inside <etal>, so the element is modeled with text content instead of as formally EMPTY and may contain text such as “Associates, co-workers, and colleagues”.
In Citations
The sixth edition of the APA Style Guide uses “et al.” in a new way within a long list of authors. When there are more than 8 authors, the citation is expected to display the first 6 authors, then an ellipsis or the words “et al.”, followed by the last author, as shown in the following citation:
Chen P, Halo W, Rife L, Wang XP, Shen D, Chen J, et al., Fong HK (2001) 
A photic visual cycle of rhodopsin regeneration is dependent on Rgr. 
Nat Genet 3:256-260.
This may be tagged in several ways, depending on the publisher’s processing needs:
  • Only the authors to be printed or displayed may be tagged, with the element <etal> as an empty element, used to generated the text “et al.”:
  • Only the authors to be displayed may be tagged, with the element <etal> containing the interposing text, such as ellipses (&#x02026; or &hellip;) or “et al.”:
  • All the authors may be tagged, with the element <etal> used to the hold the text, such as ellipses or “et al.”. The authors that are to be displayed may be flagged with a @specific-use value such as “display” or the authors that are not to be displayed may be flagged with a @specific-use such as “not for display” or “search-only”:
     <etal>et al.</etal>
     <name specific-use="search-only">
     <name specific-use="search-only">
     <name specific-use="search-only">
In this Tag Set, this element may only be used in bibliographic references (in <element-citation>, <mixed-citation>, and <person-group>).

Base Attributes

Models and Context
May be contained in
Text, numbers, or special characters, zero or more
Content Model
<!ELEMENT  etal         %etal-model;                                 >
Expanded Content Model


Tagged Sample

In citations

Mixed citation
  <ref id="B26">
    <etal>et al.</etal> <article-title>Measuring 
    outcomes in care of the elderly</article-title>.
    <source>J R Coll Phys Lond</source>
    <year iso-8601-date="1994">1994</year>; 
    <pub-id pub-id-type="pmid">7807432</pub-id>.
Element citation
  <ref id="B26">
    <article-title>Measuring outcomes in care of the elderly</article-title>
    <source>J R Coll Phys Lond</source>
    <year iso-8601-date="1994">1994</year>
    <pub-id pub-id-type="pmid">7807432</pub-id>
Related Resource
For a discussion on the use of <etal> in the APA 6th Edition style for preserving only 7 authors, see Ordinal Numbers.